[14] arcade romance

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arcade romance

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( friend; pt. iii )

By the end of the second round, Mars has accepted her losses

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By the end of the second round, Mars has accepted her losses. She's in fifth place, in front of Tao and Charlie, behind Isaac, Reggie, Elle and Nick. It's the last bowl of the game, Elle's turn. If she gets a strike, she wins. If she doesn't, Nick wins.

Elle's determined to make up for the first round by winning this one. With a green bowling ball, Elle walks up to the lane and throws the ball.

It's a strike!

Congratulatory claps ring out around the group, smiles shared as Elle turns around to relish in her victory.

"Why am I so bad?" Tao complains.

Elle crosses her arms. "Well, your arms are basically twigs."

"Ah!" Tao takes offence. "How dare you? I'm a very muscular individual."

He bends his arm, stroking his bicep and showing it off to the group. Reggie gives a sceptic look, Mars pushing her lips together as she tries to hide her laugh. "If you consider muscular to be Hercules in the first half hour of his movie."

Tao's jaw drops as he looks to Mars, a hand slowly going over his heart as he feigns hurt. She shrugs at him, acting indifferent.

"How did you do that?" Charlie asks Elle. "You're really good at it."

"This only confirms that we need a Wii sports night," Mars steps into the conversation, hands covered by her sleeves sitting on her arms.

Charlie looks at her with his mouth open, the idea sparking joy in him. "Oh, my God, I'm so down for that."

"Really?" Mars smiles in confusion.

"It sounds like it'd be a really good time," Elle adds.

Mars looks to Elle and smiles brighter. She forgot how having friends could feel so assuring. Reggie joins her side, Mars looking to him with her bright smile. "You guys wanna play any of the arcade games?"

Elle straightens a little bit, an idea in her head. "Oh, my God, what about the dance machine?"

Charlie shakes his head. "I'm so scared of it."

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