[11] rugby vs rain

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rugby vs rain

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( secret; pt. ii )

Sitting outside, Reggie has his poems anthology out in front of him, his plastic lunchbox used as a paperweight to keep the pages from flying in the wind as he gets a move on in annotating the poems for English

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Sitting outside, Reggie has his poems anthology out in front of him, his plastic lunchbox used as a paperweight to keep the pages from flying in the wind as he gets a move on in annotating the poems for English. Isaac is nosed up in a book like usual, Tao having a stroppy look on his face as a thought comes into his head.

"I bet Charlie's eating lunch with Nick again," he says. "He's been eating lunch with him a lot."

"Well, they're in the honeymoon phase," Isaac gushes, looking up from his book.

Reggie smiles as he looks up, waving his pencil in his hand as he looks over to the part of the field in front of him, seeing the Golden Retriever / Prince Charming with his group of friends. "Can't be," he answers Tao. "Nick's over there."

Tao looks over before shaking his head, eyes scrunching in annoyance. "It's not even like they're dating."

"Unless they are," Isaac proposes.

Reggie looks to Tao, elbow bent on his book as he rests his cheek in his hand. "Never underestimate love, Tao, haven't you watched Disney movies?"

Tao scrunches his face in disgust. "Ugh," he vocalises. "Worse than Avengers." Having stated his concerns, he reaches for the brown paper bag holding his lunch, about to open it when the laughter from the rugby group catches his attention. He lets the bag go. "I mean, look at them. It's a bad idea to even walk near them, let alone actually befriend one of them."

Reggie wishes West was here, listening to Tao's spiel. Maybe he could learn from it or have a few choice words to say, he doesn't know really.

"Charlie's putting himself in danger just because he has a little unrequited crush."

Reggie and Isaac share a look. Tao's always been a little overprotective of his friends, maybe a little territorial. He remembers when Mars hung out with them the first time, Tao hadn't spoken a word to her the whole time until Elle told him to. Sure, it got a little easier as time went on, but Tao loves his friends and maybe worries about them a little too much.

"Oi, catch." Harry's voice makes the three of them look over, barely any time to react before the rugby ball heads for them, hitting Tao and bouncing off him, his hands coming up to protect his face.

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