[15] good things to those who wait

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good things to
those who wait

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( girls; pt. i )

Things are good

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Things are good.

It's only been two weeks since Charlie's birthday but they've been a really good two weeks.

Even her parents have noticed a difference in her attitude. She hasn't told them about her and Reggie going out, but then again, Marcie doesn't think she has to. Her mum sort of just knows everything and she knows that her mum tells her dad everything. Plus, there are the teasing comments her mum makes whenever Reggie leaves the house about how the two look cozy or the approving comments her dad makes about how Reggie's a good lad.

But she's happy. So she does the typical teenage thing and groans, kindly telling her parents to shut up before hiding out in her room and smiling giddily about having her very own boyfriend.

They've ended up texting each other more than usual, which she half—expected. Though she didn't really think they'd have a lot to talk about, so the fact that they don't struggle to come up with things to talk about surprises her. Sometimes they'll text a random topic to each other and they'll manage to turn it into a conversation. When they're lost for conversation, they'll just send each other memes or videos.

Mars pouts as she watches the reel Reggie just sent her. She likes it, catching the white heart turn red as she continues to watch the kitten look around the room, the camera focused on the small animal inside the robe pocket. She leaves the reel, saving it and liking the message.

She's not the only one on her phone, Elle and Tara encompassed by their screens as well.

"This is a conversational lunchtime gathering we've got going on here," Darcy announces, trying to get the attention of the other three girls on the table.

Tara puts her phone down on the table, Mars glancing up to Darcy with an apologetic smile to show she's got her attention but keeps her phone on, glancing down to see Reggie's messages. Elle stays staring down at her phone with a smile on her face.

"Elle?" The girl looks up at her name. "Are you looking at Timothée Chalamet's Instagram again?"

"No," she sighs.

Tara leans a little closer, curious. "What are you doing then?"

"Nothing," Elle denies.

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