[08] silently cheering them on

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silently cheering them on

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( kiss; pt. iii )

The relief that Mars felt when she saw Tara and Darcy walking through the doors of the hotel, hand in hand, was monumental

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The relief that Mars felt when she saw Tara and Darcy walking through the doors of the hotel, hand in hand, was monumental. It felt like this weight had been lifted off her chest, allowing her to relax, her face growing a smile.

The couple spot them soon after, Darcy lifting her free hand and waving vigorously to mark her already noted presence. Tara smiles, hiding a chuckle as she offers a smaller wave to her friends. She's wearing a light peach dress coloured in dark plaid lines, with a white, long sleeve shirt underneath, Darcy contrasting with a black shirt covered in patterned rips that's decorated in sparkling sequins, and a black skirt to match.

The group meet in the middle of the party, celebrating each other's outfits and shouting about how tonight's going to be amazing. And by no fault of their own, Mars starts to feel a little. . . invisible.

She's not used to this, the friendship, the compliments. She can't help but feel a little left out. All of these girls seem to have it down to a T, they seem to know exactly what to say, exactly what to do, and she's there, putting on a smile as she stands in between them, deciding to let the time pass by hiding in the shadows of her new friends and hoping she doesn't catch anyone's attention.

She's tried it twice and she doesn't like it.

"Mars, you look like you could use a chaperone," Darcy says, her hand free from Tara's and swings it through Marcie's arm, brining her closer. A blushing smile starts to build as Mars looks over to Darcy, grateful. They follow the group chatting to each other and giggling. Darcy contributes here and there, squeezing Mars' arm to assure her that she's still got her attention. "I wasn't really a party person before Tara either, don't worry about it."

Darcy probably knows that helps, but she doesn't know how much it helps. Mars thought she was alone because who would go to a party if they didn't like one? It gives her a spark of confidence, one that made her feel at ease. She didn't need to be so in—her—shell if there were other people here willing to step out of it. "How'd it get easier?"

"Just realised there wasn't anything to be worried about." She shrugs, giving a lopsided smile. Mars thinks about her answer, letting it soak into her mind. "Oh, and your outfit is killer. Love the skirt."

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