[07] out of her element

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out of her element

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( kiss; pt. ii )

In all the chaos that had enraptured the Dawson house tonight, it had completely slipped Reggie's mind to alert his friends on the situation

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In all the chaos that had enraptured the Dawson house tonight, it had completely slipped Reggie's mind to alert his friends on the situation. It's only when he hears the notification sound, having turned the ringer on due to all the shouting and crying coming from inside the house, and sees the message from Isaac on the group chat does Reggie remember that he had completely forgotten to tell them he can't make it.

ISAAC: sorry gang, I'm super sick and can't make it tonight. enjoy your evening 😊

REGGIE: Yeah, sorry, I can't make it either. Would've told you sooner but tonight's been chaos. Some other movie night, promise.

Reggie would've loved nothing more than to go and have a movie night with his friends. With his GCSEs looming over him and seeming to find less and less time to revise as it leers closer, it was really what he needed.

Sadly, we can't all get what we want. Kelly's work called in and with one of the cleaners having to head to an emergency hospital appointment to do with his husband, they needed her in. West would've been perfectly fine with managing Lloyd by himself for a couple hours but then Lloyd started acting up.

When that happens, West tends to lock himself in his room, unsure on his abilities to not screw up. The last time he was solely in charge of taking care of Lloyd, he had a severe meltdown, which resulted in West getting hurt when he tried to approach Lloyd, a toy car thrown at him. Ever since, he's been reluctant to take care of Lloyd by himself, leaving most of it up to Reggie when he starts to get uncomfortable.

Reggie also always seems to know how to calm Lloyd down, providing him with a distraction and space. But even if he had succeeded before now to calm Lloyd down, which he hasn't, he wouldn't have left his brother in the vulnerable state. What sort of brother would he be if he did?

No, Reggie would give up all his free time if it meant taking care of his brothers, no matter the cost.


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