Chapter 55

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Hayes's POV

We stared at each other, her eyes filled with tears, and I felt my whole entire body shut down. It feels like when you're about to cry and you want to hold it in, but you can't.

"I mean...I forgive you..." She laughed. "I know, I shouldn't forgive you because of this. But you were drunk, Hayes. That wasn't really you. The real Hayes told me that Aaron's death wasn't my fault."

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to hug her, kiss her, and never let her go again.

"I'm just glad that you didn't go to New York or something." I laughed.

"Yeah." She said. "But Hayes, I didn't even know why you left that day, or why you drank, but I don't care. I don't want you to do it again."

"I promise I won't." I said, and Brendan stared at us. We were both telling him to leave, without actually saying it. He got the memo, and he walked out. I sat in front of her.

"Look, Juliet." I said, grabbing her hands, but she winced at my touch.

"I hate everything right now. Aaron's death, the fact that I made you leave. I don't remember that happening, but I'd never tell you to leave. Ever. It's like telling a fat man to go vegetarian." I said, and she laughed. It was a genuine laugh, full of happiness.

"I missed that laugh. I missed you." I said and she smiled.

"I missed you too." She said.

I wanted to ask her why she pulled away when I touched her, but I pushed that thought aside, because I finally had her.


Juliet's POV

The robot was taking over, again. It felt like I had no control over myself. It was like it was there to stay.

When Hayes walked through those Starbucks doors, a wave of doubt rushed through me. He doesn't want me back, he doesn't love me.

If I have to keep running, and running, why do I still love him? I could stay put, but if I stay put, it will get worse. That's what always happens.

When he touched me, I pulled away. Not from doubt or worry, but because of fright. The night he told me to leave, I was so scared that he might've hurt me. Then I realized that this is Hayes, and he wouldn't hurt a fly.

I still backed away, but I still love him. I always will.

When we walked back to his house, he was talking, but I wasn't listening. There were so many thoughts in my mind.

"Juliet?" Hayes snapped me out.


"I asked you if you wanted to go to the park." He asked.

"Uh, no. I really want to go back to your house." I answered, and he sighed but nodded slowly.

When we got to his house and walked inside, I went up to my room, and instantly fell asleep. I avoided everything, which was exactly what I wanted to do.


I woke up in the middle of the night. You know it's the middle of the night when the room is no longer bright and there are no sounds.

It's just you, and your thoughts. Which isn't the best, in my case.

The easiest way to avoid them is to go downstairs and find something to do.

I walked downstairs and poured myself a glass of water. I was gulping the water down when I heard something muffled coming from the living room.

When I got there, Hayes was on the couch, mumbling in his sleep. I sat in front of him.

"Juliet... Please don't leave." He said, and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Juliet! No!" He said, louder. I didn't want him to wake up his mom, so I shook him until he woke up.

His eyes shot open in fright, he was pushing himself backwards on the couch, and his breathing kept getting faster and faster.

I sat on the couch next to him, and moved his chin for him to look at me.

"Hey...shhh...I'm here." I said, and he looked at me, his breath was getting slower.

His arms slowly wrapped around my waist, and he squeezed me hard.

"Please. I'm begging you. Please don't leave again." He said.

"Okay." I said, hugging him back.

"No, promise me. Because last time I said that you left and it was my fault." He exclaimed.

"Okay! I promise." I said, and he let go of me to lay back down.

"Can you sleep with me?" He asked, and I nodded, cuddling against him. He wrapped his arm around me, squeezing me gently.

"Good night." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Good night." I said, but my mind was still wide awake. I was curious to know what he dreamed about, but I shut my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: whenever you see a person you know in public isn't it always awkward? For example, I just saw my friend while I was getting ice cream, and I kinda just stared at him until he stared back at me and I said hi. Like...? Is that what you're suppose to do? I'm sorry, I'm really awkward please send help.
HEY GUYS! HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER. I'm not prepared for school tomorrow, but have a good day!

SSOTD: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy (kinda a throwback song)


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