Chapter 12

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Everything hurts. My mind, my eyes, my throat, and-more importantly- my heart.

My mind was a jumble, trying to process how Lesley's doing in New York, and if she's fine without me. She's probably better off with that new guy.

And my eyes hurt from crying and rubbing the tears away. I was a wreck and I know guys aren't suppose to cry, but I couldn't help it.

My throat hurt, calling for her in the streets of Los Angeles, trying to find her. I just thought, maybe she'd come back.

And my heart? My heart was shattered in a million pieces. I know I was the one that broke it off, but was it really worth it?

"What are you going to do, man?" Taylor said, rubbing my back.

If it wasn't for Taylor, I would've been worse.

"I don't know, Caniff. I can't do anything." I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Dude, there's only one thing to do. It's pretty obvious." Taylor said.

"I can't just go to New York, if that's what you're wondering." I said.

"Why? What's stopping you?" He asked.

"The fans. Oh my god, I'm here for them, and they don't seem to be there for me." I said.

"Shut up, Matt." Taylor said, going through his phone. "The fans care about you and Lesley."

"You're probably right." I nodded.

"Probably?" Taylor said, handing me his phone, "I am right."

On his screen, trending number one on Twitter was the hashtag, "Mesley."

Scrolling through the tweets, all of them said positive stuff about wanting us together again.

I couldn't help but smile, the fans always had my back, I shouldn't have doubted them.

"Well, Taylor." I said, "there's only one thing left to do."

*Juliet's pov*

"Okay, everyone settle down," our family life teacher said, "I have some exciting news!"

"Unless it involves us leaving this class, I don't want to hear it." I heard Brendan say.

Everyone was sitting silently in their seats, waiting for our teacher, Ms. Pascal to begin.

"Since all of you got good grades on the last assignment, I think it's time for you to begin the next assignment." The teacher said as some of the students groaned.

"Brendan?" The teacher said, "come to the front, please. You too, Madi."

I looked at both of them and wiggled my eyebrows. Brendan shot me a look, but Madi laughed.

"I would like to congratulate you." said Ms. Pascal, "on being the first ever parents of this family life class!" She cheered, handing Madi a toy baby.

Madi held on to the baby, and she handed it off to Brendan. Brendan grabbed it, but nearly dropped it, earning a look of disapproval from Ms. Pascal.

"What are you naming her?" Ms. Pascal asked.

"Crystal." Madi smiled.

"No, we did no agree to that name." Brendan said.

"Fine. Annabelle."

"That's even worse."

"Her name is Cecilia, okay?" Madi said, and Brendan shrugged.

They returned to their seats, and Ms. Pascal handed out the rest of the babies to the other partners.

"Your job for the next week is to care for this baby. If it cries, comfort it. Take care of it as if it were your own. I will be tracking down your progress inside and outside of school, thanks to the scale on the back of the baby." The teacher exclaims.

"Good luck!" She finished, clapping her hands like a seal.

I looked at the baby I was holding, and Hayes looked at me.

"You'd be a great mother, you know." He smiled.

"Don't even think about having children, Hayes." I said, which made him laugh.

"What are we naming her?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to." I said, and he nodded.

"I liked our idea on naming him Jayes." He said, and I agreed.

The bell rang, and we went straight to lunch. People were laughing when they saw us carrying our toy infants.

I sat on the table and the baby started crying.

"Uh..oh no..what do I do?" I said, and Hayes shrugged. I smacked him.

"Ow!" He winced.

"Hayes, could you hold him?" I asked, and he nodded. The baby stopped crying instantly.

We ate lunch, while Hayes held our child with one arm. Brendan and Madi had their kid on the table as they ate their lunch.

"Seriously guys? This table is filthy." I said.

"Well why is your child being held on to by one arm?" Madi said, and Hayes gave him to me.

"At least our child is being held." I retorted. Madi rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine." She said, holding her baby up by under the arms. Then something greenish/white came out of the baby.

"Oh my gosh, is that puke?" I said, while laughing. It was all over Madi's shirt.

"Yeah, hand me a napkin." She made a disgusted face, as everyone handed her a napkin.

"If my baby does that, I quit." I said, and Hayes shook his head.

"It's part of parenting, babe." He kissed my cheek.

This is going to be one long week.


"Make it stop!" I whined, covering my ears.

"Babe, I've been trying to make it stop for the last hour and nothing's working." Hayes said, cradling our baby.

The baby's been crying for a while, the sound is permanently in my brain.

"Give her to me." I said, reaching my arms out. Hayes sets her in my arms.

I held her by the bottom, as the crying infant was still crying on my shoulder. I patted it's back and it seemed to calm it down.

"I'm going to hear that cry in my nightmares." Hayes said, rubbing his temples.

The doorbell rang, and the baby started acting up again.

"I'll get it, just calm that thing down." Hayes said, as I kept on patting the baby's back. It was working.

"Oh shit, not again." I heard Hayes groan. "Juliet? Could you come here?" He called.

I got up, still holding the baby in my arms, and I went to the door.

"What?" I said, staring at Hayes before I stared at the visitor.

"Oh man, Juliet." Matt said, standing in front of me. "You have a baby?! You've only been gone for a month!"

Sorry, I just couldn't contain my excitement.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! And let me know if you think Hayes and Juliet are going to survive with little Jayes.

SSOTD: I'd love to change the world by Jetta (Matstubs remix)


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