Chapter One : Damnit Tom

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Hello Immortal_Llamas its Meg the Immortal and Laura the Different, welcome to a new story! This is a collab, so we hope you enjoy.

~Meg the Immortal~


~Laura the Different~

***Tuckers POV***

It seemed like a nice day. I woke up with the sun shinning on my face, birds chirping outside, and a peaceful silence.

That silence didn't last for long.

As soon as I finished making my bed and put on my hat I heard quiet snickers. I froze and reached for my sword slowly before a blade poked my back.

"Tucker." Tony said. I sighed and adjusted my hat before turning my head slowly.

"Tony. You know most people say good morning with a 'hello' right?" He smirked.

"I found that a bit boring, so I wanted to spice things up today." I rolled my eyes at Tony's statement.

"I'd really prefer a hello." Tony laughed and I turned and knocked the sword out his hand and smacked his head with my sword and darted out of my room, I glanced back and laughed as Tony clutched his head.

"Just where do you think you're going Tucker?" I turned and a diamond sword was at my throat.

"So there's the other one." Josh grinned at me before walking slowly and forcing me back into my room.

"Get up Tony." Josh muttered, and Tony stood up, pulled his penguin hoodie over his head and blocked the door.

"So listen Tucker, we decided today would be a great day for some fun. We want to play a game with you." I forced a smile.

"Please, you always play games with us." Josh leaned forward and grinned.

"This one is great. It's called Tom has your girlfriend, and you have to answer some questions."

"You bitch!" I yelled and lunged at Josh who just pushed his sword against my throat. Blood dripped down my throat and I moved back. Tony laughed and Josh smirked.

"Tsk tsk tsk, honestly." He held up his communicator. "How's Sonja doing Tom?" A laugh sounded from the communicator.

"Oh she's just fine. A bit bloody, but she's doing just fine."

"TUCKER I'M AT TOM'S HOUSE!" Sonja screamed in the background and Tom cursed before quickly hanging up. I sent them a grin.

"Thanks guys." And I jumped out the window and started running. Damn it Tom's going to be moving fast, maybe Sonja will stall for time. As I approached Tom's door I saw Tom inside panicking while trying to drag Sonja; who currently was sporting ropes, a gag, and a very annoyed look. I noticed two things; one being that it was far too quiet. Two being the figure that dropped down behind me. I turned and drew my sword and blocked Nade's swing, but as I did so I stumbled back and he grinned and knocked me to the floor. I kicked his feet out from under him and he fell down in front of me as I kicked him and he fell off the bridge.

OpTiCNaDeShOt was killed by II_JERIICHO_II

"HAHA! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID SHITE!" While at the moment I said that, I was pretty confident. In retrospect however, I think I should've just ran. Because Tom kicked the door open, and was holding Sonja behind him.

"Why hello there Tucker. What a surprise." Tom dropped Sonja and drew his sword.

"Care to stay for dinner?" My eyes darted to Sonja who was currently winking at me. I glanced back to Tom with a grin and stood up quickly and drew my sword.

"Sorry, I ate before I came over. Besides I don't think I could stomach your food." Tom's face went red.

"Why you-"

"SEE YA TOM!" I shouted and started to run as Sonja twisted out of the ropes and punched Tom in the jaw and he crumbled.

"I think I knocked him out!" Sonja said, shaking out her hand and she grinned at me as she walked towards me.

"Great job-"

"I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Tom screamed, and I grabbed her hand and bolted.

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU KNOCKED HIM OUT?!?" I shouted as we ran back to my house.

"I DON'T KNOW I THOUGHT I DID!" She shouted back. As we started up the stairs I heard Josh shout.

"There he is! Get him!" I quickly turned around and dragged Sonja with me.

"Wrong way let's go to yours!" Tony and Josh were shouting after us while Tom was screaming bloody murder. Side note Tom yells like a little girl. We started towards the bridge to Sonja's house when Nade dropped from a tree in front of us.

"WRONG HOUSE MY BAD!" Sonja shouted and quickly started running a different direction.


"TO THE PRIEST!" Sonja shouted back over the shouts and screams of the others. We wove between the trees avoiding arrows, however we hesitated at the open field. "We need to go!" I said, tugging her forwards.

"Remind me to plant trees everywhere when this is over." Sonja muttered darkly and I chuckled as we made our way towards the priest.

"We're almost there!" I said and started to grin as I saw Champwan in full gear running towards the entrance with a sword. We started running faster when an ender pearl sailed over us and landed in between Champwan and us. Tom landed and held a sword with a grin.

"Why fancy meeting you here." Before swinging his sword.

OMGitsfirefoxx was slain by SynHD


II_JERIICHO_II was slain by SynHD

I resawned in my room and I ran towards my gear room when I noticed everything was gone.


So what did you guys think? We're rather proud of it, it being the first chapter and all. Please let us know and show your love! Till next time! Later Immortal_Llamas! ~Meg the Immortal

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