Chapter 13: Beatings

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***Nade's Pov***

I am going to kill that sparkly ianitee. HE has to pay for taking my crush away from me!

I cant believe Tom is falling for a kid he just met! I have known him since before the island and here! Then that Jordan kid show up and poof no more Tom. I will slit that kid into pieces and give them to Ianite herself! Of course My Lord Dianite will have to do that only he knows the whereabouts of the prison. But seriously that kid will pay, and a price that is to high to be accomplished will be asked.

**Jordan's Pov**

A great friend?! How stupid can I get! Tom most likely hates me now I saw how his face fell! Ugh I cant even right now. Ill call Sonja and see what she says.

Knock Knock


"Hey Sonj its me Jordan." (They met in between chapters! Deal with it plz.)

"Oh hey Jordan, what's up?"

"Umm I have a question but please don't hate me."

"Okay... Ask away!"

"Well last night Tom asked me what I think of him and I said he was a good friend. His face fell and he wont talk to me anymore."


"Dear Ianite Sonja I have ear drums you know? And they have the capability to rupture!"

"Oh sorry buddy, hey lets go to the house of Borris' today! Tucker is out doing errands for Mianite and Tom is being a fish so lets go! .....DID YOU JUST SAY IANITE!?" Shizz I knew I would slip up. No one knows I follow M'lady they think I still have yet to choose.

"No, I uh said er "

"Jordan you said Ianite you cant lie that is another tell sign. All the other followers in this realm can lie, because their gods know how to lie." I started to mess with my Bow of Balance M'lady gave to me last night after I got home.

"For Mianite's sake even your bow is purple, non of the gods have purple as a color!"

"Uhh" Jordan you fool!

"Its okay I think its cool you want to be all balancy and stuff." Jut then Tucker walked in, and he looked pissed.

"Jordan did I hear that right? You follow the lost goddess that has NEVER had a follower?"

"Umm yes?"

"Get out you good for nothing realm traitor! Go rot in the end like a coward!" Tucker was about to punch me when Tom walked in so the blow connected with Tom's jaw instead of my nose.

"What was that for mate?!?" I ran for my life out of the door Tom never closed as he faced Tucker.

I ran and ran heading towards the End portal hearing footsteps behind me in hot pursuit. Really? Really? I just want to escape the world of haters for a little. Maybe see M'Lady in the process.

"Get back here punk!" Was that Nade? It sounds a lot like him.

A green and white arrow whizzing past my head answered my question. Why is Nade shooting at me? Ack! An arrow pierced my calf causing me to fall face first into the ground. Nade pulled me up by the collar of my jacket and  turned me so I was facing him. I was greeted by an angry face and a punch to the nose.

"How dare you steal Tom from me?! I was so close to getting him to be mine then you showed up and he falls head over heals for you! An Ianitee too! Your lucky I don't get Diantie to smite you on the spot!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about Nade!"

"I love Tom and you made him fall for you, you piece of Ianite trash!" That's it.

"You can insult me and hurt me all you want but you will never ever insult M'Lady again!"

Nade proceeded to beat me worse than my dad on a high till I blacked out.  The worst thing he did was stab me with a knife a few times in different spots. As I blacked out the subtle voices of people ringing in my ears, then nothing.

Hi! Meg here I need to make this quick this is the last update on this book and on my book Revealed for the next week. I am going to overnight camp so I cant update. ;_; I would love to but I cant. so type to you all later! Luv all yall Immortal_Llamas sorry for no updating. ~Meg the Immortal

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