Chapter 14: Pheels

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***Jordan's Pov***

When I woke up I was at Ianite's house, she said that if  Dec didn't bring me here that I would be dead. So Dec and Champ are the only others that know of M'Lady's existence. That's good as long as Dianite or Mianite don't find out aboot Ianite.

"So Jordan," Ianite said "I would like to discuss the whole prophecy thing with you. And you need to meet some friends of mine." Just then two dragons, one black, the other purple came flying into the house.

"Meet Justice and Balance, my pet dragons. They have agreed to help you since you have shown the aspects of a true follower. And yes Sonja has wind related powers, Tucker earth, and Tom fire. Let me ask you this, who do you think is the true balancer that will wield all four elements?"

"I believe that the person who has the capability to accomplish such a thing would be you M'Lady."

"Why? Why not think of yourself." That question is to easy.

"Simple, I am new, weak, cowardly, vain, useless, pathetic, mean, and over all a bad person. You and the others are nice and worthy." When I was done Ianite had such a large smile it truly scared me. The dragons looked like they where discussing something amongst themselves

'Hello Jordan, my name is Justice.' The black dragon said in my head. 'I would like to say that when the time comes or you just need some one to talk to, whistle twice and my brother and I will show up. And you little Sparklez are the one true balancer. You have the qualities of the one before you. You are humble, courageous, selfless, smart, outgoing, peaceful. Those are just some of the reasons. Don't deny our statement youngling, for once you are chosen there is no going back.'

Uhh okay Justice, but I think you and your brother made a wrong decision.

"Holy shit! Dragons!" Who the heck was that? Tom. That unworthy Jordan words came to Ianite's realm. He started to run at Justice and Balance with sword drawn.

"Don't!" I yelled, shoving my arm out causing a large wall of end stone to appear Tom's way. Thud!

"What the hell?!" Tom screeched, at this point I was standing right behind him with his sword in my hand.

"I could say the same Tom, trying to kill the last two dragons in the realm. That also happen to play a great role in the future. Now I recommend that you and your ego get out of this realm and tell the others that I have a message to tell you all." I teleported away with Justice and Balance close behind.

***Declan's Pov***

The gang and I where hanging out in the meadow, trying to decipher the prophecy  when Tom came running at us.

"Guys, Jordan has a message for us all. He was in the End with dragons! And he wanted them to live, as in a wall of end stone popped up when I tried to kill them." Just then non other than Jordan himself and two large flying objects that could only be dragons descended down into the meadow.  The weird thing was that Jordan was riding the black dragon. Why?.... SHIT!

***Jordan's Pov***

Justice, Balance, and I descended into the meadow, only to be greeted by drawn swords and nasty looks.

"Look" I told the others, "I know you all don't really like my presence right now, but I have news that could help you all with the prophecy. Meet Justice and Balance, the two elder brother dragons. They have the power to help us in the war that should come.

To prevail Justice and Balance the war shall End.

So there you go, one part of the translation done. And listen to the descriptions of the wielders, Sonja, Tom, Tucker, and Dec. I'll be off now and to make things official I have decided who to follow. I follow the goddess Ianite." Sonja looked proud of me for telling everyone. Declan and Champ looked scared, and Tom and Tucker looked ready to kill.

"Listen here Traitor," Tucker snarled "if I catch you near my friends, home. or especially Sonja I will kill you."

"And I will help." Tom seethed with anger.

HI! I apologize for not updating. Camp, being sick, then going to NYC for the day is tiring. Now time for Laura the Different and her amazing chapters! Srry again for this being short. Stay wooly Immortal_Llamas! ~Meg the Immortal.

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