Chapter Seven : HALP ME!

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Meg here Immortal_Llamas! As you can tell Laura and I alternate every 2 or so chapters. Now I can take care of the next two and lets see how Jordan reacts to eggs! ~Meg the Immortal

***Jordans POV***

'Jordan my dear boy, do not take the eggs! The Dianitee has poisoned them so you join his team of buffoons. He will do anything for his god and that includes blind sighting you. Do not take the eggs! You have been warned. Luv the Magical Lady Ianite <3.'

"Thank you for the offer kind sir, but I do not eat eggs. Ill go look for some apples." I hurriedly rushed out the door and over to the forest. Well that was my intention but I heard footsteps behind me. Ianite! The man in the hoodie is following meh! How dare he! I climb up a tree hoping to out smart the blue haired boy whose name is still unknown. Well if he tries to kill me imma hurt a Diantiee. The boy appears under the tree looks straight up at me. For some reason he looks confused as he examines the tree.

"What da faq? Why in the name of Dianite is there a shadow in a tree? If its the new guy ill kill 'em." A British accent hanging thickly in the air.

'Jordan I can hide you but not for long. Go to the End portal there you shall find out aboot this world.' The lady's voice echoed again. Man I want to know who in the name of Ianite that is! And why do I keep saying Ianite I don't even know who that is! Im cornfused.

Tom looked up a final time and started ascending up the tree. CRAPOLA! I jumped out of the tree with a loud THUD and ran.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PUNK!" Dear lord I didn't know a man's accent could mess up a sentence so badly. It sounded like 'et bick 'er you li-tle ponk. Lol. I continued to sprint towards the portal that the lady told me to go to. I don't know why I just trust her. Hmmm weird.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that the boy had pulled out a bow and was firing at me. I dodged and ducked continuing my journey towards me destination while the Brit got purdgeturbed at my behavior and not stopping. Hehehehe he be so salty. Alright I'm done with the bad puns. Even though Blue Man makes Sardines look bland right now. (IM SORRY ABOOT THE PUNS!)

I think the man finally gave up. I can see the portal in the distance. Well more like hear it. The portal could be heard halfway to Canada! All of a sudden the evil egg butt face boy appeared in front of me.

"What the poop?!?" I yell

"Nothin personal but me lord wants ya. So come with me and no one gets hurt." He grabbed my arm that was still healing from my dad. I yelped out in pain as the older male smirked like a mad man. The power in his aura increased extremely and he started to bring back painful memories. The times I was beat, bullied, busted, broke, bled. Al of the late nights trying to heal myself. The times dad was so drunk he would have killed me if Champ wasn't there. Blue Boy started to beat me up opening up old and creating new wounds. A sharp piece of wood was violently stabbed into my back soaking my white shirt with crimson red blood.

A red figure appeared and took out the boy in one blow to the head. This figure looked just like Champ. Almost the same person. The only difference is that this gut had some more muscle definition.

"C-Champ? Is that you?"

"Hey Jordan long time no see. The man over there is Tom and as you can tell his god is Dianite the Devil. The other two are Jericho and FireFoxx. They are Mianitees. Im a follower of Mianite and the Priests' follower. Let me show you around." I cant believe it the man who was once my best friend was in this weird realm. What I thought he died. Im so confused right now....

Hey guys! Soryy for not updating in so long. I blameith the sports and school. Im working on the next one and it should be up by Saurday night (Eastern USA) Well this was probably relly bad considering im listening to Imagine Dragons and David Guetta. Whoops. Ill understand if you want Different ot do the rest of the story to rid yourselves of my crap writing. ~Meg the Immortal.

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