Chapter 8: Dianite's Curse

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Why hello there Immortal_Llamas! Meg the Immortal here with another chapter. Im sorry aboot having tom beat up Jurden BUT here is why!....


Tom wont just beat the kid into joining my team so I will help in that department. When Tom came I possessed his body. Tom will act like Tom but when the time comes I will get the boy. The boy will be on my team! (Voldemort much?) When the boy jumped out of the tree I chased him. Does Tom ever realize how much his accent messes up English? I mean it feels like im talking drunk all the time! I finally caught up with the boy and lifted him in the air. I don't know why but I got pissed and started to beat him up. What I didn't see was that the ninja bitch Champ was behind me. He took me out in one blow to the jaw. SHITE FUDGE NETHER!

***Jordans Pov***

Champ took me back to the chapel to take care of the few cuts I had.

"So Jordan do you know your god yet?"

"My what?" What the heck I thought there was only one god.

"Let me explain. There once were two brothers. Mianite and Dianite. Mianite ruled the over world and Dianite the Nether. Mianite was a good guy and liked the realm to be peaceful. Whereas Dianite enjoyed creating chaos and destroying things. The brothers gained followers as they were brought to the Realm of Mianite. Each coming here for different reasons. Mianite and Dianite became enemies and their followers soon followed suit. The followers spilled unwanted bloodshed and threw the balance out of whack. All because their gods disliked each other. Legend has it that a man with the blessing of the gods would be able to reunite the balance and justice to the land. This male would have a troubling past and a troubling future. This man is the one true follower of the lost goddess known as Ianite. Ianite is the balancer of the realm and keeps the peace. But with her brothers fighting and no followers of her own she had trouble keeping up. One day the balance was thrown off and Ianite went into a coma like state. When the true follower comes to the land, Ianite shall awaken and balance will return."



"well its kind of hard to process all this information at once. I just got here like 19 hours ago."

"Oops sorry Jordy."

"Champ! Don't call me Jordy I hate that name!!!!"

"I know that's why I said it." I grumbled at that response. Champ chuckled. -_-

I walked towards my home and wen to bed as soon as I got to my room.

***Time=4:00 AM***

I awoke to a loud banging on my door. Who could be at me door at four in the morning? Haven't they ever heard of sleep!?! I walked to the door well more like trudged to the door and I was surprised to see Champ and Dec.

"Champ, Dec what are you doing here?"

"We have something to tell you. Something the others do not know." Dec seemed really nervous aboot this.

"Well what is it then. Spit it out."


"Dec spit it out!"

"Hokeyp.....I was given a prophecy and I think you should hear it.

The group of four shall rise again

To prevail Justice and Balance

The war shall End

The one that wags and bites to the wind

The one with the hat and the love for the fox

The earth shall claim you

The one with the hood instead of a mask

To go forth with the fire

The one true balancer shall rise again

And with water, earth, air and fire all within him

Being the one with the power of the lost and forgotten

This glass eyed boy can save the goddess of just

Along with the other true wieldersgo forth and winAll will be safe and sound once again

Until the dark shadows rise again"

IM SO SICK OF ITALICS AND USING TAB!!! So how beith the chapter. You know me the on with short butt chapters. Leave your suggestions in the comments and praise Different for writing the next chapters. Love all ya Immortal_Llamas peace out. ~Meg the Immortal

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