Chapter Three : The Boy Who Sparklez

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Harry Potter be love! Btw this is chapter is by Meg! ~Meg the Immortal

***Jordans POV***

Bring Bring Bring!

School let out late! Oh nononononononononono this isn't good. Not good at all. My dad will literally kill me if I'm late coming home one more time. My dad is the worst man on this wretched planet. He will do pretty much anything that involves pain towards me. I'm Jordan Maron Sparklez. Friends? Nope. The one person who didn't think I was a freak his name was Champwan. He was deemed dead after his house lit on fire. My dad started that fire since Champ became my friend. He said that 'I couldn't have friends. That they would call the cops if I talked about him.' Yep father of the year award goes to that man. I just wish I could live somewhere better. Like when Champ was alive.


"Come on Sparklez!" Champ screamed over his shoulder. "We're gonna be late getting home!"

"I'M COMING!" I reply, running as fast as I can. Knowing if I'm late getting home my dad will beat me more than usual. Champ is the only person that knows about what goes on with my family.

*** present cuz I need to describe stuff***

Mom was killed walking home from work. She worked in the bad part of town where all the crooks lived. Kara worked at the food bank every week day from 9-5. One day a man who was high shot her. The man was never identified for lack of witnesses. Dad blames me for having mom work in the ghetto. Nowadays he beats me whenever he wants to. Sometimes he's drunk, others he is mad. Sometimes he just gets bored and I happen to be home at the time. Let me just say I have a selective wardrobe because of the bruises and scars and stuff.

I wear a white V-neck t-shirt, black cargo pants, black calf high boots, black leather jacket with the collar popped, and red sunglasses with black lenses. I also wore a black beanie on the back of my head and my raven black hair is styled into a quif. I like to keep a clean shave face and for some strange reason I am incapable of growing facial hair. Not that mind. I'm a pretty tall guy with piercing blue/purple eyes. I tend to wear the glasses to keep away unwanted attention. I mean this is the 21st century. Anyone remotely different is bullied, shunned, abused, etc. I don't need to be hurt more than I already am.

Champ is the only person who doesn't think I'm some sort of freak of nature, well besides Mitch, Jerome, Ty, Adam, and Ant. They moved to Montreal, Canada. Dad threatened them and forced them to move. So I only got Champ. I'm not complaing that's one more friend than I could have wished for. But he had to go and get killed by Dad. now I have no one in my life to help me.

Champ wasn't real tall; around medium height really. With a red ninja outfit. He always wore a bandana to cover half of his face. Don't know why but he liked it that way.

As I approached the house I was baisically radiating dread. I could hear glass smashing do im pretty sure Dad's drunk off his head.

" Jordan getyour assinherethisminuteorill whip you to deattthhhh." My dad slurred, as he often does when he's drunk. I regret not living with Champ when he asked me if I wanted to. Totally regret it.

"Coming father!"

"Don't sass me young man. You just earned yourself another beating!"

(Don't hurt me plz! *hides behind laptop in corner of self defense)

I walked into the house and a drunken, cheesed off sun of a fish dad greeted me with a fist of hot melted iron. I stumbled onto the wall with the son of Satan himself in hot pursuit of his new victum. He threw a kick of fury into the middle of my abdominal region, knocking the wind out of me in the process. Great a new bruise to go with my collection. A rapid series of punches were given to me in the jaw/face area. The devil man known as dad intertwined his hands around my throat with grip if steel. Black dots danced around my vision as my oxygen supply severely dropped. Father released me and I fell to the floor with a loud thump. Darth Father kicked me multiple times in the ribs and face leaving a few cracked ribs and a bloody nose. A new cut appeared right above my eyebrow spilling blood down the side of my face. As the achohal took affect the attacks grew stronger and stronger. I wish that I lived somewhere else! I thought. Somewhere were everything is balanced.

'Just be patient my little warrior. Your balanced home will soon come. Just give it time." A lady's voice rang through my head as darkness enveloped me.

How was the chapter Immortal_Llamas? Meg here with another chapter finally! O mother of Ianite I'm sooooo tired right now. Leave suggestions in the comments and stuff. Write to yall later! ~Meg the Immortal

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