Chapter 19: Chaos

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*Jordan's Pov*

These past few weeks have been like all hell was let loose.

The others not being able to control their elements, the gods bickering like the siblings they are, and Justice, Balance, and I training for the shadows.

Sonja nearly destroyed the town with a tornado, Tucker almost killed Champ when the mineshaft collapsed, and Tom, well he gave Dec 4th degree burns in an attempt to steal his stuff.

At this point, even though they hate me, I need to fix this mess.  If it means going to the over world than so be it.

"Justice! I'm going out, tell Ianite so she doesn't freak!"


Geez no need to yell, I don't want a headache. The islanders will do that  when they see me. The Traitor of Mianite, they call me.

'Hey' Balance cut in, ' don't think like that, without you they cant do shit.' And on that happy note, I left for the town.

**Sonja's Pov***

I've been looking for Jordan forever! I cant find him, Tucker thinks he's a traitor, Tom is so confused; his heart and Dianite, me, well I just want to find him so my powers can get under control.

I was walking in the woods near some stone temple pillar things when I saw a man in a cape.

"Hey!" The man looked at me, he had a hood on shoot, "YOU! Can you help me?!" The man nodded and walked over.

"I'm Sonja, who are you?"

"Well Sonja I'm Sparklez, feel free to call me Traitor." It Clicked.

"JORDAN! I've been looking for you! We need your help. Our powers showed up and we cant do anything about it! Its chaos in the town! Everyone is panicking and it's a mess!" Jordan even with the hood on, looked at me with no emotion, what. so. ever. What happened to funny short awkward Jordan I knew?

This Jordan is tall, muscular, and is like a blank wall. Not showing any emotion, his eyes dull, face grim, its like looking at a new person. Not to mention there was a tattoo on his left had. It was a bunch of purple and black swirls that looked like two dragons. The heads where at the tips of his fingers and the tail at his forearm. It was quite a beautiful sight to see. The dragons intertwined and circling each other was like a Picasso or  Vann Gough art work.

"Sonja I would love to, but the others don't really want me around. I apologize that im only here to do something. If you could, would you take me to the town. I want to speak with the others, and make sure your gods are there too." He almost pleaded, almost.
So I did what was necessary, took him to the town.
<(0.0)/ time skip \(0.0)>
"Sonj why is that thing here? I thought Tom and I made it clear his kind aren't welcome in our town." Tucker sneered as Jordan and I approached the court house.
"Listen Tucker I know you don't like me but please hear me out." Jordan persuaded,
"If you let me I can help all of you control your powers so that no one has to be harmed. Dec and Champ have already been through enough of your wrath. Dec is burned and champ is too scared to leave his home. You may think you have this under control, but in reality all your doing is causing hurt to those around you. Ianite and I can feel the disturbance this is causing, if continued I'm afraid that Ianite may fade. Then the universe will be permanently unbalanced."
Tucker being the boy he is decided to test Jordan's theory, by stabbing Tom with a sword. Only the weapon disappeared from Tom and reappeared in Jordan's chest.

"Tucker! What the hell?!" Tom screeched, looking at his chest, "Wait why aren't I bleeding?!"

"You're welcome Thomas, glad I could help prove to Tucker that I don't like violence. Thanks Tucker, for stabbing me in the chest, literally . Just take my words into consideration and tell your answer to Sonja, then Sonja meet my in the forest at 1:00 on Tuesday. That gives you a week to decide."

Then Jordan disappeared in a pillar of purple wind and blood. We better choose correctly and now I need to clean the blood on the floor. Ugh Tucker I always end up cleaning your messes, never again will I let him cook dinner. That's another story though.

Hey Immortal_Llamas! Im back with updates!!! I took a little hiatus to get used to school and then that break extended when Cyndago had an announcement. I'll miss the Cyndago channel and I hope Daniel's family and friends get through this. Later, ~Meg the Immortal

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