Chapter One

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!!!My novels are completely off-limits to any adaptations and if plagerised, you will be reported!!!

"Haaa..." This day wasn't going exactly as Ju Garcia pictured, nor was it amusing in the slightest, only proving to irritate her still within her safe haven.

Standing next to the smoke pit -- a designated porch just outside of the comic book company office wherein she was employed -- she pushed her hair back from her eyes and sent her best friend and coworker Mark the foulest grimace she could summon. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it. He was at it yet again. The tyrant attacked her safehold one too many times to count and now, his berserker was let loose.

Mark simply gave her the boyish smile he always wore and sauntered up to her, poking her belly a handful of times for good measure.

"Don't touch me you traitor." Ju barked as she swiped at his hands, narrowly missing them as he chuckled.

Mark wrapped his arm around her shoulders and began to lead her from her secluded escape to which she always ran when the office grew to be just a bit too consuming. With her hand held tightly to the door leading out to the porch in a comic-esque moment, which was quite fitting considering the offices they currently stood within, Mark literally pulled on her as she grunted in her feeble struggle to stay in place. As he wrapped his arm around her waist, her feet momentarily left the ground and she lost her grip on the doorframe, flailing her hands toward it in an attempt to latch onto it once more. Her fingers brushed it, but she couldn't quite get a grip as she felt Mark's arm tightened on her torso and he gave one last hard yank.

How in the hell did Mark always seem to--

"Win! Like goddamn clockwork!" Ju fussed as she was hoisted over his shoulder and he made his way through the office. She smacked his shoulder and he simply chuckled as he moved toward the main office doors. "Put me down, damn you! I'm not an infant, I can walk!"

Several of their coworkers immediately began laughing rather boisterously at the typical Friday antics their friendship brought to the office ambiance. Mark couldn't ever really convince Ju to leave the office on Fridays at the time she was actually scheduled. In fact, not even her boss could. You see, Ju was a comic book nerd through-and-through and being able to work for a comic production company was like a dream come true. So, why would she ever want to leave?

It also helped that her best friend worked with her in the advertising department and they did most of their projects together. To be precise, they did most things together, even having lived together the vast majority of their adult lives. Although, on Friday evenings Ju never really felt like she was all that lucky to be working with him.

"Mark! I don't want to go!" She grabbed the doorframe to the main entrance as Sheila held it open for them both on her way out as well.

The office wasn't even as empty as it usually was and it was only around four, so why was Mark so dead set on getting her to leave this time around? A jolt ran down Ju's spine as she realized he was definitely scheming something most likely hilarious to himself, yet definitely at her expense, and she pushed up far enough to look into Mark's mischievous eyes. His smirk widened and Ju felt her nose flaring in aggravation long before she gave it permission.

"Where are you taking me? Speak up, you freak!" She latched onto Mark's weak point, his long hair, and gave him a threatening look. "And put me down, for Christ's sake!"

"You didn't tell her?" Sheila piped in as she pulled at Mark's arms. Mark just turned his grin toward her, making no moves to release Ju from his vice-like hold. It was obvious he found Sheila's everyday reprimanding rather comical. Pun intended. "Let her down now, Mark!" She continued to fuss as he snorted. "This is incredibly inappropriate for a place of work. I swear, you're just as bad as my teenage son."

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