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"I'm sorry, I'm confused. Why would anyone ever need this many markers?" Mark complained as he walked into Hayden's new art studio with two boxes full of supplies.

As he set it down onto her desk she and Ju had just gotten settled into the wall of the room opposite to the window so she could get plenty of natural lighting, Hayden turned to him with a huff and Ju saw the end before the beginning. "No, I'm sorry. If I'd known your muscles were just for show, I'd never have asked you here to begin with. But now, here we are."

He narrowed his gaze at her as he raised a judgy eyebrow, but Mika split them apart. "I swear you two would kill each other if we left you alone."

She forced her way between them and Hayden met her gaze with a shrug. "Not kill, Mika."

"Yeah, Hayden would just verbally bruise my ego until I was a puddle in the corner."

"Aww, poor thing." Mika mocked as she cupped her hand beneath his chin and pulled him down to her. She kissed him, then leaned back. "Behave. I'm going to get more storage crates from the store. That goes for both of you."

"Yes, ma'am." They replied in unison and Ju involuntarily snorted. She'd been doing that a lot lately. She was quite giddy after all. "Something funny?"

Ju turned her lips into a tight line, trying to sober up in an instant, but unable to when she found Hayden and Mark snickering. "Nope. Nothing at all."

"Mhm. Okay, I'll be right back." She got up on her tip toes and kissed Mark's cheek, making him blush rather boldly, and then ruffled Hayden's short locks.

Once they heard the loft door slide open and closed, Ju sat back, Hayden went to her and sat down close by and Mark just plain flopped onto the king size bean bag. They all released a long, tired exhale and began giggling as they realized it was all together, then Ju turned toward Hayden. She crossed her legs in front of herself as she watched her organizing her colored pencils by the numbers on their ends and was content to do so until she peeked back over her shoulder, catching her in the act.

"Are you watching me, Miss Garcia?"

"Uh-huh..." Ju jerked her head back, then shook it with a nervous laugh. "I-I mean, no more than usual. Wait, that's not any better."

Mark balked from across the room as he sat up and then got to his feet. "And that's my cue. I'm going to go on and get the food in the oven. You both sound pretty hungry."

"Pervert!" Ju grabbed the thing nearest to her and hurled it at him. One of the small plushies Hayden always kept lining her work stations bounced off of the side of his face and he looked at her with a scrunched up face, but turned away with another laugh, no doubt finding another comical line to say and stopping himself. She turned back toward Hayden and found her gazing at her rather lovingly. "Wh-What?"

"You two really are like siblings." She finished setting the last of her pencils into their slots and turned toward her. "Reminds me of Mika and myself. Speaking of closeness, your mom called me last night to say she'd be a little early getting here this evening."

"Really? Why didn't she call me?"

Although, I don't really mind. They've gotten quite close. Ju grinned, definitely giving her thoughts away by the way Hayden's face lit up, then stood. She held her hand out toward her and hoisted her up from the floor, gathering her in.

"She just wanted to chat with me for a bit." Hayden reached for her waist, pulling her into her so that their bodies fit together perfectly. Ju still marveled at how well they went together daily, but what really satiated that feeling was Hayden's openness in the months since they'd officially gotten together. Three months in, she was finally moving in with her and they would have more and more of this throughout each and every day, leaving a joyousness in Ju's chest like no other. "Last week when I went over she and I found out we have the same tastes in mystery novels, so she invited me to her book club. She wanted to verify I had the day clear for it and I do."

Ju never let her glee falter and it wasn't hard. This life she was building here in this loft and even out in the world with Hayden was the best she could possibly call to mind. She'd never felt so happy. So ready for whatever the world had to offer. She'd never felt so loved.

"What is it?" Hayden tilted her head to the side and ran her eyes over her face. Ju instinctively draped her arms around her shoulders and was pulled more snugly against her. "What's on your mind, Bee."

"I'm just...happy. Really happy."

Hayden rubbed her nose along hers and then kissed it. "Yeah?" She kissed her, then pulled back and met her gaze, glowing and visibly bursting with enthusiasm. Ju gingerly rubbed her cheek with the backs of her knuckles and tenderly kissed her to convey her answer, then leaned back. The same satisfied expression was sent back at her and she knew she would be happy forevermore with this woman, this triumph in her arms. Ju held onto Hayden, keeping her close and feeling her breath on her neck as a caress that would always bring her to the clouds and back made its new home just beside her ear. There the breath turned to a whispered phrase she was happy to hear every morning, every night and every chance she could get in between and would be there the remainder of her days. "I love you."

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