Chapter Nine

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Hayden sat in her living room staring at Ju's folded blazer on her coffee table. When she tried to find her at the end of the day to give it to her, Ju was nowhere to be found. Her coworkers said she was busy all day helping Cameron with her advertisement and of that, Hayden already knew. She was entirely too aware of it, in fact.

Every time she decided to chance a glance over at her, she found that woman attached to her hip. Even when Ju went for her afternoon tea break, there Cameron was, following her around like a lovesick puppy dog.

Who wouldn't?

Ju was not only quite the site, but she was also incredibly dedicated to her work in the most pleasant of ways. It was damn near impossible to wrench her eyes away from her, especially after that kiss. Why had Hayden done that? She leaned forward on her elbow and tentatively reached out, running her fingers along the front of the perfectly tailored blazer. Left work early, huh? Faker. She never leaves work early. More to the point and more likely, she obviously needed an excuse to meet up over the weekend and this was the bait.

It was now well into Saturday evening and Hayden was even more certain that she was waiting for her to make the next move. She knew where Ju and Mark lived after he stealthily gave her their address when she asked him of her location after work. He'd even refused to take the blazer home himself which only added more proof to Hayden's deductions.

She stood and picked it up, draping it over her shoulders. She slipped into it and thought of Ju's toned arms moving into the sleeves each morning. This was the blazer she wore basically every day, of course. It smelled so nice too. Hayden found herself rubbing her nose throughout the day just to have an excuse to take in the scent along one of the wrists. She pulled it more securely along her sides and up to her face smelling Ju everywhere. A euphoric sensation came over her and she felt a burning in her gut.

Hayden snapped her eyes open and gasped. God... This can't be happening. She wants to

"Get to know me." She repeated aloud, but it still sounded just as strange.

With that, Hayden snapped her head up and eyed her keys that hung on their holder by the front door. All she'd have to do was jump in her little sedan and drive over there. She didn't even have to interact with anyone and could just leave it hanging on her doorknob with a few knocks as she made her escape.

"Yeah. I'm just returning the jacket. Nothing big, and then I get to come home. Come home where I have no more distractions. Where I can draw. Be...alone." She nodded her head and jogged to the front door, only then remembering that she still wore the blazer. Shit...

* * *

When Hayden arrived at Mark and Ju's loft, this was not what she predicted. It was a three story building and they were meant to be on the second. That was expected and correct if she was looking up at the right loft. It was meant to be calm, relaxed, a place they'd openly invited her for some much needed unwinding. Not a place holding a giant, literally overflowing party.

She stood on the street just outside of their building and stared up at the second floor, watching people from the office conversing with drinks in their hands on the balcony and inside as well. They also lined the hallway outside that led to the stairway and down the flight leading to the first floor, scattered about on the sidewalk. Of all the... Why now are they having a party now...? Is it for Cameron? That had to be it. They had gone to a karaoke bar when she and Mika signed onto the label.

Like a swift slap to the face, it dawned on Hayden that she'd let her mind wander a bit too far off the beaten path. Her invitation wasn't anything as special as she thought. It was just an open invite to a celebration on Cameron's behalf and not something more cozy, laid back...or intimate. For all Hayden knew, Ju wasn't even home at the moment.

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