Chapter Ten

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Hayden sat in the break room across from Mark who was reading over their latest chapter she'd sent through an email attachment. He stared dejectedly at his laptop, blinking a handful of times, and didn't look particularly pleased. "What is this?"

Hayden narrowed her gaze. "Excuse me?"

"This isn't the chapter you projected last week." His face twisted and he slammed his laptop shut, giving Mika the same disapproving expression. She sent him a face full of concern and he glanced back at Hayden as though some telepathic message had passed between the couple. She jolted, not liking where this was headed. "What's going on with the both of you?"

"It's not that different, I just thought this story development fit the scenario better." Hayden wriggled about in her chair as she felt both Mark and Mika's eyes on herself. She finally peered over at Mika and found utter strife drenching her features. "Stop that."

She leaned over the table and reached for Hayden's hand, but she pulled it away at the last moment. "When's the last time you talked to her?"

"I don't know who you're talking about."

Both Mika and Mark scoffed and she turned her head away. They'd both been relentless over the last week, bothering her about the details on why she and Ju were avoiding each other so persistently. It was getting on her last nerve. It wasn't like she and Ju really ever had something connecting them. It was just physical. That's all. If it were anything else, then it wouldn't have been so easy to cut ties and it had been. Hayden was sure of it. I've hardly even thought of...

Hayden felt tears coming and fought to stop them, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she felt Mika touch her shoulder.

She stood and walked to the entryway. "I'll edit it back to the original plot Mika wrote and have it to you both by the end of tomorrow. So, we won't miss our release date. See you both--"

"Oh, no you don't!" She turned around to find Mika literally vibrating with what she recognized as unbridled rage.

She marched over to her and took hold of her wrist, but she yanked it free, taking more steps away. "What? It's what you wanted, right? I'll take care of it. See you."

With that, Hayden spun around and briskly moved toward the door, ignoring Mika calling for her from the break room. She didn't need this. She didn't need to be reminded of what happened last week. Not now when they were so close to releasing their newest comic. She needed to focus on work and nothing--

Ju walked into the office speaking animatedly with Cam. She was hanging on her arm and brimming with excitement as she led her over to her desk. Hayden saw Ju peek at her out of the corner of her eye at her for the briefest of moments, then she turned her eyes forward as they neared her desk. The tears came and Hayden sniffled as she left the office, desperately in need of solace anywhere she could track it down.

* * *

"Go talk to her. Please." Mika pleaded with Ju as she walked her by the arm onto the smoking porch.

Ju shrugged free from her hold with a scoff, grabbing her cigarette pack from her pocket, and smiled as best she could summon on quick notice. "Who?"

"God, you both are really quite the pair. Let me guess, you're an Aries? Hayden's a Leo and I'm also guessing you're just as abrupt with her." Mika sat down on one of the benches and held her hand out as Ju pulled out a cigarette. She took it and Ju lit it for her, then sat down on the opposite side of the bench. "She's a mess. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Ju did a double take, then shook her head as she lit her own cigarette. "Not really, but she made her feelings very clear." She exhaled and peeked over at Mika who was watching her rather intently. "She isn't interested in getting to know me, Mika."

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