Chapter Two

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That ring tone needed to be changed. Hayden should have changed it ages ago, but she never seemed to remember to do it once she got off the phone with Mika. As much as Hayden loved the anime from which it came, someone screaming at her first thing in the morning with every expected call Mika sent her way each day was not very pleasing.

Or as her aunt always said, "That's not very appetizing."

Hayden chuckled as she thought of her aunt's always peculiar choice of words and sat up. She needed to go visit her in the hospital sometime soon. One of their long winded conversations about literally everything new in her life was something long overdue and her aunt had to be going stir crazy after being confined to a bed for so long. Perhaps later in the day she could visit her with some of her favorite sweets and the thought made her belly growl with anticipation.

Hayden reached for her phone, but kept her face buried in her pillow and turned on the speaker after finally answering Mika's call.

"What took you so long, Denny! Big news!" Mika squealed from the other end of the phone and Hayden's grin widened as she turned her head to the side. Then it fell when she registered she wasn't alone. She came face to face with the woman she'd taken to bed the night prior, recalling their night together, and her smirk was back in play. "You aren't alone are you?"

"Nope..." Hayden trailed off as she began tracing her fingers up and down the woman's back making her giggle in her sleep as she grazed her ribs.

This woman was someone with whom she'd slept many days and nights. It was something she didn't do with any other woman, ever, yet somehow with this particular woman it worked out perfectly for them both. While Hayden loved making connections, loved being intimate with those who understood her particular bedroom desires, she wasn't the type to go for relationships and neither was Mandy. She felt lucky to have found someone so relaxed and uncomplicated.

Suddenly, Hayden remembered a peculiar expression that had flashed across Mandy's face and worry riddled her gut. "Actually, can I call you back in just a bit?"

"Absolutely not. This is really important, Denny!"

"Fine." Hayden leaned down and kissed along Mandy's spine, trying to placate her growing anxiety and making her chuckle some more. This time it was louder, however, and she finally stirred from her sleep. She turned over and pulled Hayden down to her chest, running her fingers through her short, dirty blonde hair. Hayden pulled her head up after listening to the gentle beats of Mandy's heart along her breasts for a few moments and kissed her, then pulled back, speaking toward the direction of her phone, "What is it?"

"Remember the guy/girl duo that gave us the business card for their company? Hiyama?"

"Yup." Hayden kissed her cheek and sat up, Mandy following suit. Something was different about the way she had looked at Hayden the night before and this morning, without the alcohol in her system after their dinner and long evening together, it was even more evident. She shifted uneasily as Mandy's eyes grew more possessive and dark by the second. Trying to turn her focus to Mika for however brief a reprieve from that ardent gaze she could get. "What about them?"

Mandy ran her hands along Hayden's sides and hoisted her into her lap, making Hayden have to straddle her. She groped her buttocks and Hayden jolted at the glint in her eyes. Not good...

"Mika, I really need to--"

"Just listen, Den. So, I called them and set up an appointment. Told them that the only way we would consider working with them was if we got to work directly with Mark and Ju. Their boss didn't seem to have any issues with it, so we have a scheduled meeting for eleven on Monday morning. Okay?" Mika spilled.

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