Chapter Eight

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Ju stood up from her perch by her desk and walked into the break room where she began filling the tea kettle. Last night had not gone the way she anticipated. Granted, she let Mark know her ultimate reasoning behind pursuing Hayden, but she hadn't planned on telling her exactly what she thought. She'd even gone as far as telling her that she wanted to get to know her, divulging entirely too much of her inner thoughts as her guard was lowered with each passing moment spent at her side.

Ju had no idea what came over her in that moment, but wanted that determination back today. However, after that conversation just wouldn't leave her mind and she kept wondering if Hayden would ever let her in. She was willing to lower her guard, but Hayden was the exact opposite, closing herself off even further the more she revealed.

Ceasing Ju's internal ramblings, the very person at the center of her mind walked in and froze in the doorway. Hayden's eyes went wide and she took several steps back, much like a small, timid animal.

"S-Sorry... Didn't realize you were--" She began, but Ju needed to clear the strange air that filled the room whenever they were together since work began.

"Are you avoiding me, Hayden?" She walked up to her and stared intently into her eyes.

"Uh..." Hayden's eyes went straight to her lips and she nibbled on the bottom, awaiting her answer. "No...?"

Ju smiled and leaned in, watching her neck muscles tense as she leaned away. "Liar." Hayden jolted, then looked away, chewing on the inside of her cheek in an obvious attempt to not smile. It was encouraging. Too damn encouraging. Tilting her head down a bit as she stood up straight, Ju waited for their eyes to meet, swept up in the emerald beauties facing herself. "Do you want to come over tonight? It is a Friday after all."

Hayden peered away once again, but wasn't fighting her smile anymore. Instead, she seemed somewhat afraid and shook her head. "I... I have something to do."

"You mean..." Ju swallowed past the anxiety billowing up her throat. "A date?"

She whipped her head toward her. "I didn't say that."

"'Cause you don't date?" Ju smiled again, enjoying the new boldness she felt and warmed by its source.

Hayden opened and closed her mouth several times, then blew hot air from her nostrils and turned around. "I don't date. You're right."

She hurriedly followed, her hot water and abandoned teabag forgotten. "Your shirt is nice today. Mandarin collars are always comfy, too. Big fan of business casual, huh?"

Hayden eyed her for a moment seemingly befuddled, then walked toward the smoking area's door. Taking the opportunity given, Ju stepped ahead of her and opened the door, making her send her another wary glance. She stood frozen in place and scanned Ju's body with a heat in her eyes she recognized there more times than not. Happily, which was still something to which she must grow accustomed, she gestured for Hayden to pass through with the nod of her head and a little appraisal of her own.

"What are you doing?" Hayden asked as Ju stepped through the door behind her.

"Holding the door for you?" She jogged to stand at her side as she pivoted to face her. Hayden startled, apparently finally aware of their close proximity and took a step backward. "Keeping you company?"

Seemingly finding that amusing, Hayden let out a short chortle of sorts and sent her a soft expression. However, she shook her head and waved her hand around as if she was having trouble figuring out how to word her next sentence. "No, I mean, what do you want, Bee?"

Ju chuckled at the new nickname that Mika obviously shared with her, adding more fuel to her fire as she realized it meant they'd been discussing her at some point. As if picking up on what she'd accidentally revealed, Hayden flinched. That said, this was a particular flinch Ju had seen her repeat since last night. She'd noticed it when she finally smiled at her. Was it that uncommon for her to smile that Hayden didn't trust it? Or was there something else hidden behind the expression she also wore each time?

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