Chapter Five

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With Hayden's wobbly footsteps causing her to stumble a fair amount of times, Ju inevitably stopped at a park about a block away from her apartment building. She was still holding Hayden's hand, but it was like she could taste her disdain in the chilly air about them. They'd been walking for nearly ten minutes in freezing cold temperatures and Hayden felt as though she may crumble into shards of ice at any moment. Still, it appeared Ju was none the wiser as she glanced over at her. Hayden found irritation and exhaustion etched across her stern features as she looked out at the park, ignorant to her appraisal, and exhaled, feeling herself growing more baffled by the moment.

Just what was it about her that Ju didn't like? It wasn't like she went out of her way to be rude or ever did anything off putting. In fact, they'd even carried a halfway decent conversation more than once, but by the way Ju reacted to her, she was the plague. With a lofty sigh, Hayden glanced upward and found no stars like back home, feeling her heart ache for the peace it once held. She shuddered under the clouds looming overhead and found herself wishing for the night sky she recalled from her youth, but hurriedly ducked her head once more as the memories of that time in her life came to the foreground of her mind.

As she absentmindedly squeezed the larger hand within her own, she felt the hand's owner reflexively do the same and gazed upward. Ju was still staring straight ahead, but seemingly distracted by the snowfall around them as she spoke. "You don't like it, do you? Being touched by men?"

Ju turned toward her upon her last words and Hayden felt rooted in place, swept up in the intensity of her stare. She fought against her urge to perceive just what rested within her iris and glanced away. She saw too much. This woman saw entirely too much.

Hayden didn't want to address her distrust in men and began stepping forward in an attempt to detach herself from the conversation, but was jerked back. She looked behind herself and spotted her hand still holding Ju's, muttering, "Why...?" Rather caught off guard, Hayden shook her head, frustrated Ju was much more perceptive than she originally deduced, and fought for clarity as she dared to glance upward into her eyes once more. Against her mind's protests, she wondered aloud, "How did you...?"

"Just guessed it before, but now I know." Ju tilted her head to the side as she looked her face up and down and Hayden felt even more on edge, pulling her hand free. She simply stared down at her empty hand for several silent moments with a furrowed brow, then reached for Hayden's again. In spite of the protests on Hayden's tongue, none would come to mind and she watched her fingers betray her as they wrapped around Ju's. They're still warm... Hayden thought, but was pulled from her imbibed thoughts once more upon Ju's next words. "You don't have to worry about him by the way. Herald, I mean. Just talk to Sheila if it really bothered you and she can make sure it never happens again."

"Then this is a common occurrence?"

Ju jerked her head back and stared at her as if she'd kicked her puppy. "Not really. He's just one co-worker out of many."

Silence followed them and Hayden felt the need to fill it, but her mind went blank. Soon enough, she found herself being led toward her apartment again and drew closer to the warmth at her side. She glanced up at Ju and surmised she was fine with it being quiet, but with her overactive mind, that just wouldn't work. How did she know...? Hayden had made desperately sure not to treat the male office workers any differently than the women, but some things couldn't be hidden so well.

Perhaps, she'd utterly failed, but the idea that Ju had noticed when they'd spent scarce time together warmed her and she found herself more curious about the woman at her side. "So, do you live around here?"

Ju glanced at her with another of her stern expressions and with a few simple words ignited a heat so angry within Hayden's chest she felt she may burst. "No, not that it's any of your business. Look ahead or you'll fall."

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