Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter contains mature/erotic themes.

"That was...nice." Hayden broke through the silence around them, slicing past the freezing breeze and warming Ju to her bones.

They walked back to Hayden's apartment after a long evening together in the dead of night after being snowed in during the show. The venue had a car service for the night, but only those with enough money and status were offered a ride, so Ju and Hayden had walked to the light rail station and were now heading across a silent street's crosswalk toward Hayden's apartments. Her shivering forgotten as soon as Hayden spoke those gentle words, Ju took her hand and smiled down at her, feeling the snowflakes hitting her cheeks and melting.

Ju watched the little twitches along Hayden's small features and reached out, tracing one of the droplets making its way down her cheek. Hayden jolted and leaned into her caress, but the headlights of an oncoming truck caught their attention. Ju led her the rest of the way across the street, determined to let her know just how astonishing their evening had truly been.

"It really was. Even more so." Ju finally replied as they rounded the corner and Hayden's complex could be seen in the near distance.

"I can't remember the last time I had so much fun with someone." Hayden cuddled up to her side, wrapping her arms around hers and her cheek along her shoulder.

Ju took her hand once she was settled against her and took up her stride. "I've never had so much fun."

"Really?" She peered at her with rosy cheeks and a hopeful face, then bashfully glanced down at her feet as they walked. "With the tickets you got, I'm a little surprised you haven't had as much fun in the past. I mean, those were amazing seats! Just how did you get them?"

"I have a confession to make. My mother is an event planner." Hayden's jaw dropped with an echoing pop and Ju chuckled as she pulled her arm from within hers and draped it around her waist. Hayden grinned up at her from ear to ear and lazily blinked as if in a daze. Growing accustomed to the faces she elicited from her would take a while, but Ju reveled in the possibility that she never would. Not with Hayden becoming more enthralling the more she knew of her. She wrapped her arm along Ju's shoulders and gazed into her eyes expectantly. "She needed a profession if her husband ever passed away, so she took classes online when I was in high school. Or at least, that's what she told me was her reasoning, but I found out differently soon enough."

Finally arriving at the complex, they moved toward the stairs leading up to Hayden's floor and she stopped them. She pulled Ju down with her and sat on the bottom step, then cuddled against her side. Ju draped her arm over her shoulders and pulled her in, rubbing her hand along her opposite bicep to warm her. Hayden gazed upward as if the flakes fluttering around them were the greatest miracle on earth, smiling as they cascaded down and around them.

She's so pretty... Ju thought, fearful she'd said it aloud as Hayden met her gaze. She languidly blinked, searching Ju's eyes before entirely relaxing against her side with a hum.

"You rarely call your father dad. Looks like we have more than just comics and music in common. Can I ask..." She gulped and her eyebrows arched as she explored Ju's gaze. "Can I ask about your childhood, Ju? Or should we leave that for date number two?"

"So I get a second date, huh?"

Hayden giggled and held her more snuggly around her torso, tucking her hands into her coat. "Yes, without a doubt."

"Then, no. It's any date material." Hayden met her gaze once more and Ju sent her an encouraging nod. "Really. You can ask me anything, Hayden."

After studying her eyes very seriously for several silent moments, she finally asked, "Did he hurt you?"

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