Chapter Eighteen

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!!!This chapter contains mature themes!!!

Hayden ran her eyes over the woman who'd consumed her every waking and even most of her sleeping moments and touched her back, tracing the arch of her spine with a single digit. Ju's completely naked skin immediately broke out in goosebumps and she watched a shiver run through her body, making her ample buttocks tremble. She was so toned, yet soft in all the right places just the way Hayden had committed to memory upon their first love making session and that's what this was without a doubt.

She dipped her head, kissing along her spine as she unhooked her bra with one hand and pulled it off of her shoulders with the other. Ju peeked back over her shoulder, watching Hayden tossing her bra away and focusing her gaze on her now exposed breasts. It wasn't the only thing Hayden felt exposed. In fact, she felt as if every emotion she had was showing itself, rearing its head for all in the vicinity to see, but unlike every other time, Hayden totally and completely wanted it. She desired nothing more than to give Ju everything she'd given her and then some, tapping her hip.

"Can you lift up here?"

"Huh?" Ju looked at her in confusion and it only made the desire to take her even stronger.

"Like this, gorgeous." Hayden hoisted Ju's hips into the air and kissed her right buttock, biting it for good measure. Ju moaned and Hayen pulled back, running her hands to the inside of her thighs as she sat back. She nudged them apart and got down onto her stomach, wiggling her way between her legs. Once she was there, she flipped over, hearing Ju gasp as she grasped onto her thighs. She pulled her down to herself and looked into her eyes. "Is this okay, love?"

Ju reached down and ran her fingers through her hair, then trailed them down to her jaw, which was something about herself that Hayden noticed she liked. "If you're about to do what I'm thinking, then it is more than okay."

Hayden smiled, feeling herself tremble with yearning as she tugged her down to her face. She rubbed her nose along Ju's sopping wet length, delighting in the way her nails dug into her scalp and made it sizzle. Parting her lips as she kept with Ju's darkened eyes, she took her entire core into her mouth with a groan. It was the first taste of her essence she'd had in what felt like years and she wanted more.

Hayden yanked Ju down hard onto her mouth, sticking her tongue out as she did and gliding it along her entrance. Ju threw her head back with a yelp as her body grew extremely rigid, then looked back down at her with widely blinking eyes as she shook all over. Her face was glowing and Hayden pulled back, feeling her already climaxing into her mouth. Pulling her hard down onto her once more, she drove her tongue as deeply as she could inside of Ju, happy it was longer than most others.

Ju kept shuddering and fell forward, bracing her hands along the headboard of the bed as she ground her hips. It was the loveliest sight Hayden could call to mind and she wriggled her head from side to side as she laid one last hard suck. Eventually letting up when it appeared Ju could no longer breathe, Hayden pulled her head back and worked her way back up between her legs. Once she was far enough up, she wrapped her arms around Ju's middle and flipped them both over. As she settled between her legs, she kissed her throat and felt her legs wrapping around her hips. Ju hoisted herself from the bed, grinding into Hayden's abdomen and coating it with her slickness as she kissed her.

Leaning back ever so slightly, Hayden took Ju's arms and pulled them down from around her shoulders. She sat back and traced her folds with the tip of one finger, smiling as Ju gathered the sheets around her head. She held onto them tightly, lifting her legs so that Hayden could gain full access to her body and parting them. Hayden took her left leg, draping it over her shoulder as she pressed her other down to the bed. She kissed the inside of her knee and ran her hand up to her center once again, finding her entrance with one finger.

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