Chapter Eleven

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!!!This chapter contains elements of assault!!!

Ju stood outside of Cam's apartment waiting for her to answer the door. If she had to knock again then she'd leave. This was going to be awkward and it wasn't exactly something she desired when all she wanted to do was track Hayden down at the pub. Granted, she didn't really feel like she had a right to intervene in whatever she was doing, but she still wanted to explain herself at least one more time.

The idea of Hayden sleeping with another woman just so that she wouldn't feel anything was shattering and Ju wanted to ease this entire fiasco now more than ever if she could. If that meant being bold, telling her exactly how she felt and making sure that she knew absolutely nothing was happening between herself and Cam, she would do it. Ju was done avoiding Hayden. She was done evading it all. Yes, she'd given her word that she wouldn't bother her ever again, but sometimes, promises couldn't be kept. Sometimes, life went beyond words sworn in the heat of the moment, surpassing seemingly irrevocable mistakes with an insurmountable desire to right a person's wrongs.

Ju had wronged Hayden and the same could be said for her. Now, all that was left was specificity and possibly moving onto a tranquil, perhaps even blossoming terrain. That started with clearing the air with more than one woman, the first being the easiest, of course.

No one ever said I had to talk the hard route first. Cam's door opened and she peeked her head out blinking a handful of times as Ju waved. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Um, sure!" Cam closed the door and opened it after doing away with the latch lock, then gestured for her to enter. Ju didn't. "Is everythin' okay?"

"I think I should stay outside for this. And this may seem a bit weird coming from out of nowhere, but do you like me?" Ju rambled and Cam snorted. She finds that funny? Good sign.

"Um, babe!" She called into the apartment over her shoulder. "Can you come 'ere?"

A woman came out from another room and walked up to them, cleaning her hands on an apron. She looked like the picturesque sixties housewife, her brown hair even curled out along her shoulders and she wore a vintage styled jumper dress, and Ju let a nervous grin twitch along her lips.

"I'm an idiot..."

"No, how would you have known? We met online about three weeks ago and only started datin' a couple of days ago. It was the prior engagement I mentioned at your party. We were meetin' in person for the first time. I'm sorry if I led you on at all, Ju, but um," Cam glanced her up and down as she timidly smiled. "I've never really dated a butch woman before. I may not present as one by media standards, but I've always felt as such and have never really been attracted to a butch myself. That being said, I get the appeal and know many butches feel more at peace with another. I am flattered you thought I had feelings for you, but you're also a colleague and I don't date 'em ever."

"First of all, I'd like to say you really don't need to apologize, I'm not really here for a confession..." Ju explained, yet Cam only appeared to grow confused. "Sorry, regardless of my arguments, Mika said she thought you may have feelings for me 'cause you touch me a lot and..."

"Oh, I can cut that out if you'd prefer. I'm just a very physical person, despite my initial nervousness. When I become friends with someone, I'm not so...reserved."

Her girlfriend stepped up and she wrapped her arm around her. "She really is. Took her a while before she accepted my invitation to a date, but when she gets used to a person, she's just affectionate with them." The woman gave her a tender kiss on her cheek, rubbing her nose there. It cast a thick crimson flush across Cam's face and she began nibbling on her bottom lip. "See? She's just bashful and a sweetheart. Something I like the most about her."

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