Chapter Four

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Ju sat at her desk editing the latest advertisement reel for one of her seven clients and couldn't help looking up to see Hayden chatting with several senior staff members about their past projects and asking her where her interests lied. Among them were Ju's female coworkers who openingly flirted with her for all to see as if this weren't a place of work. Although, Hayden didn't appear as interested in them as they were in her. She seemed somewhat engaged, yet also rather aloof while maintaining courteousness. How the hell does she do that?

Ju chewed on her inner cheek as she continued her surveillance, still trying to piece together the reasoning behind her new fascination with this woman. After spending the last two days working around and with her, Hayden had remained the same genuine and professional person she'd been her first day there. If Ju didn't know any better, she would have assumed it was all in her head and that Hayden hadn't ever been interested in her. In fact, the idea thrilled her and she felt a triumphant grin at the thought that this would all be over soon.

Ju relaxed back onto her bean bag, which she'd brought from home after ordering it for precisely this reason, and let out a long breath of relief.

Mark sat forward from beside her, very slowly sliding, or rather rolling into view with a mischievous expression. "Can I ask you something?"

She simply grunted and looked down at her work. Ju hadn't ever been one for small talk, or words really, and she definitely wasn't going to change that now. Not when Mark is breathing down her neck with curiosity, his eyes sparkling only making his boyish looks more pronounced. Still, as much as she fought against the unfamiliar impulse, she found herself looking back up at Hayden again, this time through a rather obvious slit in the cubicle partition behind her computer.

Suddenly, their eyes met and Hayden sent her a sweet, fond smile to which she absentmindedly muttered under her breath, "Hm... Genuine."

"Definitely. I think she likes you." Mark told her as if he could read all of Ju's thoughts, or at least what she believed were her innermost wonders, and she turned her wide eyes toward him. "Come on, just admit it. You find her attractive, don't you?"

"That's beside the point and you know it."

He threw his hand into the air in mocked surrender as he replied, "Okay, but not everyone is bad, Ju." She shook her head and turned back to her work, ignoring his words of encouragement he had to know fell on deaf ears. Mark leaned in and tapped her knee until she looked back into his eyes. "And having one more friend wouldn't hurt, you know. Just a thought."

Mark nodded at her, then bounced back to his desk nearly making her balk, but as much as she wanted to laugh, Ju felt torn. She stood, suddenly feeling relatively perturbed and needing something to calm her nerves. Hot tea was beckoning her by name and it was always the perfect remedy. Ever since she was a small child and her mother still soothed her ailments, hot tea had been the only thing to entirely relax herself. Well, that and the world of comics. As Ju walked with her head down, lost in her rambling thoughts, she tried to shake her mind free of anything involving that blonde woman, but was met with Hayden already in the break room upon her arrival.

She gave her that same gentle smile just minutes prior and Ju's body suddenly jolted, immediately falling rigid. Hayden kept her eyes with hers as she walked up to her and gave her arm a pat, making Ju flinch, but that intrigued smile never faded from Hayden's lips. Ju was frozen in place, staring at the hand still resting along her upper arm. She watched Hayden's hand drift up to her shoulder where she found a piece of fuzz, pinching it between her fingers.

As Hayden tossed it away, she said in a tone that left nothing to discussion, "Wouldn't want you looking any less than your best self, right...Ju?"

She startled once again, stumbled back and hit the doorframe, grunting at the momentary pain shot through her shoulder. Latching onto it and before she could get her bearings, she spotted Hayden looking quite concerned and advancing toward her. Ju put her hand up, stopping her in her tracks several steps away and stared at her, unsure of just what was happening.

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