Chapter Twelve

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Hayden stared at her reflection in her full body mirror and straightened her dress shirt one last time. It was midnight blue with a banded collar. Not her favorite, but she figured it would do the trick. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and read it was six-twenty-two. She had eight minutes left.

Ju would be there soon and she hadn't picked out her shoes yet. Hayden scurried over to her walk-in closet and scanned over her extensive book collection on one side, smiling at the memory of showing it off to her last Wednesday. She never thought this would be her life. She was now getting ready for their first date and felt nothing short of the most excitement she'd felt in years. Not even drawing had brought this out in her and she relished in the invigorating sensation quickly engulfing her entirety.

Ju was true to her word. Well, aside from finding her when she'd told her she would leave her alone, but at least that was a welcome encounter. Hayden still held a few love marks on her neck that took forever to cover up with her make-up earlier and reminded her of just how lovely her knight in shining armor had been that night. What she had been true to her word about was the fact that she was giving Hayden the time to grow comfortable enough to speak more on herself. Instead, Ju revealed more about her past and what she liked about the world from what it had to offer.

Her favorite color was blue. Midnight blue, hints the shirt. It went well with Hayden's own favorite, sky blue, and she swayed her hips to the music serenading throughout her bedroom as she thought more of what Ju told her.

She loved music. Ju went to live shows as often as she could and with Seattle having such a great music scene, tonight they were meant to see a concert for which she'd bought tickets long ago. It was a local contemporary band Ju said was akin to The Verve or Arcade Fire, which was right up Hayden's alley. She'd managed to change their seats to a table setting where they could order food while enjoying the show from a higher platform.

How she'd managed to do so in such a high-end venue was still beyond Hayden, but she was intoxicated by the bliss she felt. Making her way over to the end of her bed, she picked out her shoes, a pair of oxfords, and heard a knock at her door. Trying not to run the entire way there so that she wouldn't appear desperate, she took a steadying breath and...

Oh, who the hell cares! Hayden bolted for the door and opened it to find Ju talking with her neighbor. Mr. Ford was always so protective, serving as a surrogate father in so many ways.

Ju sent him a wary grin as she rubbed the back of her shaved head, making the bun atop her head bob ever so slightly. "We're just going to go see a band tonight."

"Oh, yeah?" Ford crossed his arms over his rather burly chest, resting them on his stomach Hayden had aptly named his food baby. "What's the venue?"

"Enough, Ford!" Hayden stepped out and he still kept a suspicious eye on Ju as Hayden watched her nervously squirm. "She's good people. Go on inside and I'll see you tomorrow morning to pick up Jewel. You still need me to dog-sit over the weekend, right?"

"Yes, ma'am. I do." He gave Ju a pensive stare and lifted one of his caterpillar-like eyebrows. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, you two. And be safe, ya hear?"

"Yes, sir!" Ju bobbed her head like she was being chewed out by her father and Hayden watched a bit longer with small giggles before she led her inside. "Have a great evening, Mr. Ford!"

Hayden heard Ford grunt before she closed the door and shook her head. "I swear, he's worse than Mika. Apparently she asked him to keep..." Hayden trailed off as she turned around and finally got a good look at Ju.

She wore a jet black blazer with a sky blue, silk pocket square and a sky blue button-up shirt. Her legs, toned and sturdy, were clothed in a pair of slacks that fitted her to a T, showing off her god-like features in the most arousing of ways. Hayden's breath hitched and her lust took her over. She lunged forward and kissed Ju, long and hard, making her chuckle and wrap her arms around her.

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