Chapter Fifteen

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Ju peeked over the top of her cubicle and scanned the office for Hayden after hearing her laughter gliding into the area. She smiled as she spotted her and jumped to her feet as their eyes met, feeling her skin sizzle and seeing how flushed Hayden's cheeks were growing. However, before she could make it an inch closer to her, someone else stepped into view with a cocky smirk.

"Sup, bud?" Mark snickered as he pointed his thumb over his shoulder. "So, I hear you spent the entire weekend at her loft. Something good happen?"

"I plead the fifth with you pervert." Ju grinned as she walked toward the break room and heard him laughing behind her as he followed.

"That good, 'ey? Well, I had a great weekend too if you're interested." He jogged up to her side and walked to the refrigerator as soon as they entered the smaller room. After pulling a coke from inside and closing the door, he popped the cap and leaned against the counter, expectantly staring at her as she filled the tea kettle. "Okay, if you aren't going to ask, then I'll just say. Mika and I have decided to find a place together."

Ju felt a crippling jolt run through her body and dropped the kettle, sending it crashing into the sink with a series of loud clangs. She spun around and blinked a handful of times, stammering, "Wh-What...? Why?"

"Damn. I thought you'd be happy." He replied as he walked over and picked up the kettle. Luckily, it was made of durable, heat resistant plastic and was still in one piece. He set it onto the counter and let out a long breath, then glanced into her eyes. "I think I'm at a point in my life where I actually want to settle down with someone and Mika is that person. She doesn't believe in marriage, we have so much in common and I'm falling for her. Hard. I don't mean to leave you alone, but I do have to move forward."

"I know, but I just didn't expect this. And so soon. I mean, I love Mika too, but are you sure?" She steepled her fingers together in front of herself and bobbed them with every word she spoke. "It is a big change."

"It is, but one that I want."

She studied her dearest friend for several minutes in silence, checking for any wavering flicker across his face, but found none. "You really do want this. Well..." Ju rubbed the back of her head and took an unwinding breath. "I can't say I'm happy to lose my roommate, but I can say I'm happy for you. I really mean it, Mark. I hope you both will be very, very happy living together."

He swiftly engulfed her in a bear hug and rocked from side to side. "Thanks! You know you're my family, right?"

"Yeah." She smiled as she hugged him back and spotted Hayden walking into the break room over his shoulder. "I know. And you're mine."

He pulled back and walked to the exit with a skip in his step, sending Hayden a giddy wink as he passed her by, but suddenly halted. "Oh!" Mark pivoted and held up a single digit. "And I think I found you another roommate. Want me to send you her info?"

"Her?" Hayden interjected rather alarmed. She cleared her throat and nonchalantly walked to the refrigerator, seemingly trying to hide her nervous outburst. As she pulled out a water bottle, she added, "The... The prospective roommate is a woman?"

Ju watched her as she tried to open the bottle, yet just seemed to fumble it with shaky hands. What's going on with her? She made her way over to Hayden and took hold of the water in her hands, then opened it for her and handed it over. She drank about half of it without taking a breath, then swallowed one last time with a wince, placing the bottle on the side of her face.

"Are you okay, Denny?" Ju asked as she put her hand on her back, feeling her shiver. She was hot. In fact, the heat was literally emanating from her and Ju quickly felt along her forehead. "Wow! You have a fever. We should get you home and some acetaminophen in you."

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