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"So doctor, how much time do I have in this world?"

You asked dramatically. It couldn't be helped. Whenever you were injured in Hogwarts, Madam Pomfrey always gave you medicines that helped you heal faster or lessen your pain.

It was your first time feeling this much pain. If only these people left the room you could drink your healing potion. At least it would fasten your healing progress.

"You will live long and healthy sweetheart, don't worry. I'll give you a painkiller so stay still okay?"

"A WHAT ?!" No no no no no. No needle, it can't be. You prefer to feel this pain all day rather than that needle.

"Isn't there other methods besides needle? I can't really stand that sharp pointy thing."

"I'm sorry but it can get worse if we don't do this now. Derek, can you hold her please." So his name wasn't Miguel after all. He held your arms while the nurse prepare the painkiller.

"O, the strong and handsome merciful person. Please spare this poor little girl's life and LET ME GO!"

Your words doesn't seem to reach his ears because he continued to look towards the nurse smirking (!). You were suffering but he seems to enjoy himself. Maybe shutting your eyes will lessen the fear.

"Melissa, do you think you can do something about her mouth? It would be awesome to have some silence

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"Melissa, do you think you can do something about her mouth? It would be awesome to have some silence."

Oh, don't worry you'll have plenty of silence when I turn you into a frog, you thought.

"You two seem to get along well. Is she your relative?" The nurse asks.

"Fortunately no. My uncle causes enough trouble for me anyways. There is no need for more. I found her in the woods."

"It's dangerous in that area. You should be more careful next time young lady. If possible, don't even go there anymore."

"I'll keep it in mind madam." You said. At that time you felt the needle in your leg. It hurtttts. The painkiller is burning your whole leg and making it unbearable to stay still. It would be a disaster if you kicked the nurse who is trying to help you.

But wait, it doesn't hurt anymore. Are painkillers taking effect already? It feels more like the pain gathering the points where Derek holds you. Maybe it's just your imagination?

 Maybe it's just your imagination?

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