9 ◉ A Living Nightmare

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It's you again. You and the dark alleys. Looks like the more you avoid being in scary places, the more this kind of circulates finds you. It's not even surprising anymore. Why you're here this time you ask? It's because the online delivery shop Clara mentioned sent a sick owl and it fell somewhere on its way to your home.

It might be because of the unusual behaviors of other animals thought. Some wild bird or a bat could attack it. Either way, you have an injured animal you have to find and you don't know where it is. Using the 'Accio' charm for summoning can work but you didn't use it on an animal before and don't know if it harms living beings.

So in the end, you are stuck with trying to find it in old fascinating ways. Trying to track the location with the GPS they placed on the owl's leg. Still, the darkness in this alley is giving you goosebumps. Why isn't anybody in this place? And why is this GPS leading you towards an abandoned building? You stood in front of the entrance and think whether to enter or not.

If you leave now and come back tomorrow the owl would die for good. But now you might have a chance to save it. Oh whatever, you're going in. After casting Lumos charm you started to walk towards the way GPS led you. Oh, there it is! It had sprained its leg through the falling. You embraced the owl and took the package it was carrying in your 4d bag. Wait, what is that sound? A motorcycle?

All of a sudden the grand window shattered into pieces because of the crash. There were two people on the motorcycle and they fell pretty bad. They seem injured but this much blood cant be caused by a broken glass right? You hide behind the boxes and observed the situation. There might be something dangerous going on so it's best to not interfere with others' business until knowing it's safe for you.

When you were thinking that, one of them tried to stand a bit and you saw his face. What is Isaac doing here? And injured this much on top of that. Maybe you should pass observing the situation and go help him immediately. As soon as you decided to go near him some growling sound reached your ears. Please don't be the thing you think of.

You slowly looked in the direction the sound came from

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You slowly looked in the direction the sound came from. And there was a giant werewolf standing. Just like Fenrir Greyback he has a terrifying figure and fearful red eyes. His claws are drawn for tearing his victim down. Nobody can survive after facing this kind of monster. You felt the ground pulled away from your feet, it was as if you weren't allowed to breathe or look away. You were completely cornered by your fear when the giant monster walked toward the two.

Come on do something! You can be the only one who can save them. He didn't notice you yet but it shouldn't be long till he does. Do something, anything! You reached your wand without knowing. What is the best jinx for knocking down a werewolf? Remember, you have to!

The first jinx that came to your mind was the lightning spell. Since there was an open window and it was raining outside the jinx seemed a bit natural.
When the werewolf lost consciousness you noticed Isaac and his friend had fainted too. Probably because of the blood loss. You hurried towards them and looked into their conditions. It didn't look like they could make it to the hospital.

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