17 ◉ Tables Have Turned

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You gave yourself to studying magic for distraction. Hermione gave you some homework for transfiguration. You needed to find a rabbit and turn it into a pillow. Then turn it back to a rabbit. But you had to find a rabbit first. So you went to the woods to find one. After everything that happened here, you wished there wouldn't be a need for you to go there but...

With lots of food rabbits love to eat, you went to the forest and made sure to have your wand with you. Even though it was still morning, the weather was ominous enough as it is. You wanted to find that rabbit quickly and get out of here as soon as possible. However, the rabbit wasn't eager to cooperate so, it took you a while to find one.

The moment you prepared yourself to catch it, you heard footsteps approaching you. Yet there wasn't a way to locate them. Where is the sound coming from? Who is it? While you were looking everywhere to see the person, someone wrapped a rope around your neck. They were trying to strangle you.

Is that it? This will be your death? But you are not prepared to die! You have tons of things to do. You haven't talked to Clara properly, you didn't see your father this morning, and you didn't attend your mother's wedding yet. Most importantly you didn't confess your feelings!

Your vision started to get vivid while trying to escape from the person. Breathing was almost impossible at this rate. At that moment you saw someone standing in front of you. You wanted to scream for help but the voice just didn't come out. Looking carefully, you noticed it was Heather. So you were hallucinating then.

The remorse you felt was making you see things. You saw her standing there and doing nothing just like you did to her. She had hatred in her eyes. You were starting to feel like paying for your sins. But there was someone else standing there behind Heather. No, it was more like a mirror. You saw yourself dying. Without even fighting back. Right, why weren't you fighting back?

You attempt to take your wand with one hand and took a deep breath. At least, as much as you can breathe. You tried to think of someplace, any place that is far from here. And you cast the teleporting spell. After a moment, the wire around your neck disappeared. When you opened your eyes, you were somewhere else. Far from that killer psycho.

Taking deep breaths, you turned around to return home or somewhere safe and crowded at least. But seems like luck isn't on your side today. Because here you're, looking at a middle-aged man, who is pretty shocked about the girl who showed up from nowhere with a wand in her hands. None of you said anything until he broke the silence.

"It's been a long time since I last saw a witch up close." he said with a playful tone. Excellent(!), you got caught by a man whose intentions aren't very clear. Today can't get any better, can it? You looked at him with a stern face. Let's see if he will buy your bluff.

"And you'll not tell a soul about it." you said trying to sound threatful. You gripped your wand, "If you don't want me to curse you that will pass into generations, it is." the plan was to give him death eater vibes. If he thinks you are a dark magician he will not mess with you. At least, it was what you hoped.

"Trust me sweetheart I already have a curse like that." he slowly walked closer while saying that. You didn't have any other choice at this rate. There was a curse that fake-Moody professor thought you in one of his classes. You didn't want to use this but...

"I don't want to cause trouble, I'm just curious about whether or not you'll cooperate with me." he said. He was much closer now. You lift your wand and cast a spell on him. It's a spell that'll prevent him from talking about witchcraft in front of anyone.

When the cold air caused by the spell hit him he got angry. His eyes glowed blue and he started to growl.

"What did you do to me?!" he shouted. Oh no, not another werewolf! You stepped backward but tripped because of a branch on the ground. He had claws! Real, sharp claws just like his teet. You grabbed your wand in panic and teleported home at this instant.

You were breathing so fast it felt like your heart was about to go out of your chest. Tears started to fall from your eyelashes. Everything felt so desperate. Whatever you do, how much you try to push away the problems, they eventually come and find you in the moments you least expect them.

You have a serial killer and a werewolf who knows about your powers on your tail. In all this mess there is nothing happy about the life you can think of right now. As you were crying in your room, isolated from everything and everyone, someone knocked on your door.

You didn't answer, hoping they would just go away. But instead, the person burst in and stood in front of your bed. It was Clara. She was looking pretty angry. But since you didn't do anything to make her mad, the reason must've been something else.

"Let's run away together." she said with a serious tone. You looked up at her face and said in a monotone voice;

"Sorry Clara but I only see you as a friend."

"No, idiot! I'm talking about escaping from all this mess

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"No, idiot! I'm talking about escaping from all this mess. My parents giving me a really hard time and looks like you're not too happy with your life either. So let's take a time off and go watch the Quidditch match." she said handing me a poster. It says there will be an International match in England two days later.

This was a hard decision you had to make right now. Will you go with her to watch an exciting Quidditch match or will you stay and face every problem you have here at Beacon Hills? So, like every responsible adult, you sat and think about what to do. Like, for five seconds.

Then you grabbed your backpack and put some clothes in it. After writing a note to your dad, saying you'll be in London with your mom because the last events affected your mental health in a bad way. You felt sorry for him but there is nothing you can do right now.

You needed a break from this dram-thriller town.

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