8 ◉ Wandering In Vain

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The streetlight was shining upon you while you walk on the empty street, thinking and planning what to do about this mysterious animal case. Maybe Hagrid could have a clue about this whole situation but he isn't an expert on ordinary animals.

You wished there was someone who can give you advice. At Hogwarts, there were professors and senior students you can ask about the things you don't understand. Now you're here far away from them, it's difficult to deal with everything on your own.

When one needs to find a solution to a problem, there are steps one needs to take. The first step is to identify and define the problem. And for that, you need an expert on animals who can assist you with the solution.

You wondered if there is any veterinarian clinic in Beacon Hills. You reached for your cellphone for looking into it but heard a weird sound. It was like a crowd of bats flying around.

After seeing what you heard was true you took your wand and cast a shield charm. The bats flew around it and went away. What was that? This whole town went crazy I'm telling you.

A little far from you, someone was standing and staring at the moon with longing eyes. Don't you know this guy? He looks like Clara's date from the other day.

Recalling that day gave you spines. After leaving that cafe, she got really angry with you for ruining her date. It took you six packs of fruity chocolate to make up with her.

An idea came to your mind instantly. You could talk to him now and see if he is really a punk or not. When you approached, he get distracted from his thoughts and looked toward you.

"Umm, hello." You said awkwardly. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk to someone standing in the middle of the woods alone.

 Maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk to someone standing in the middle of the woods alone

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"Hello" he said. He had a depressing expression on his handsome face. What could have saddened this person? you thought.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, the best friend of Clara Anderson." You reached your hand for a handshake.

"Isaac Lahey. You have a beautiful friend." He shook your hand.

"Yeah, obviously. So, you go to the same school as... Clara, right?" You almost said Stiles!

"That's right, yes." he said.

He's looking like a prince. Now, here's the scenario; the last descendants of the French royal family are living in America and they changed their surname to Lahey for keeping unnecessary eyes away. Their only son Isaac is unaware of the family's secret and lives an ordinary high school life.

But one day the clever witch Clara Anderson notices his family status and is decided to help her prince to regain the throne he deserves. But since the hierarchy is gone long ago, now they are aiming for the French President position. This is just the beginning of an undying love and a long, difficult journey...

It is, if he's not a black magician who wants to seduce your friend and eat her heart to get stronger!

You were looking into his eyes as if you wanted to read his thoughts and learn if he is a good guy or not. But these intense stares made him uncomfortable and he excused himself while walking into the forest.

You planned to follow until you heard him talking to Derek on the phone. Do they know each other? This is it then, there is no need to investigate for knowing him being a punk. Because he definitely must be one since he is hanging out with Derek.

The only thing that remains is proving these baseless thoughts to Clara. She would definitely believe you and not even thought you were doing this out of jealousy(?)

But for now, you had to go out of this forest first. Although, you didn't find anything useful for your research about the weird incidents.

Time flew by while you wander in the woods trying to find some way to know about animals. But the only thing that came to your mind was all of this could be related to 'that' person. The one you saw in front of the tree root. Maybe they were a dark wizard or witch. Or even a death eater that escaped from England.

You decided to write a letter to Hermione as soon as you get home. She could have read something about all these weird events. You hurried on your way back since the forest is a creepy place. After reaching the road you saw a girl standing in the middle of it. She was facing toward the trees and had a terrified expression. You went to check whether she was fine or not.

The closer you get to her the more goosebumps you had

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The closer you get to her the more goosebumps you had. She resembles Professor Trelawney, your divination professor. Not her face but the aura around her is something unordinary.

"Umm, are you okay?" You asked her, avoiding making physical contact in case she is having a traumatic attack. She didn't react in any way. She doesn't even blink.

"Hello?" you reached for your bag to find something like cologne to make her smell it. Maybe she would get to her sense this way. But before you find it she woke up from her state by herself and started taking deep breaths. It was as if she couldn't have enough air to fill her lungs. After calming a bit she looked at you and asked with a confused expression;

"Who are you?"

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Do you have asthma? Should I call for an ambulance or find a spray or some-"

"I'm okay, thank you for your concern. I was just a bit... Zoned out." Really?

The girl in front of you may seem a bit odd but nobody would deny her beauty. Even in this dark alley, her beautiful features were obvious to see. You would do everything to be as half beautiful as her.

Actually, Clara says you don't have enough confidence in yourself when it comes to appearances. But you are sure she says this for you to feel better.
This girl excused herself too and went in the opposite direction.

Today nobody seems to want to have a conversation with you. Since it was starting to get dark outside, you decided to teleport to your home after making sure to stand somewhere nobody can see you.

This is the story of how you met all the people that changed your life entirely.

The people that you'd die for their sake.

Hi guys, thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoy it. From this chapter onwards it will be the original plot timeline. So it's the beginning of the semester for the characters. Your likes and comments is really dear to me ♥

Have a nice day.

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