30 ◉ The Dragon Breathes Fire

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You're more likely a peaceful person. You're not someone who gets angry easily. But when you do, nobody wants to be anywhere near you. And even you get surprised by what you're capable of in that kind of situations.

For example, in the battle of the astronomy tower, when Harry was hiding and paralyzed under his invisible cloak and Draco was about to kill Dumbledore.

You were there by chance and felt your blood pressure rise at the sight you saw

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You were there by chance and felt your blood pressure rise at the sight you saw.

How. Dare. Draco. Try. To. Kill. Dumbledore?!

You weren't angry at Draco, because you knew him. He had done a lot of bad things but non of them were his pure choice. He was just a misled teenage boy that's all. You noticed that he wasn't a bad person when Professor Snape paired you two in the potions class. He was mean to most of the Griffindors but somehow you had managed to get his good side.

 He was mean to most of the Griffindors but somehow you had managed to get his good side

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And after a while, you came to the conclusion of him not being a bad person. At least, not as bad as he looked. He was just being used by his dad and his evil colleagues. But even so, this doesn't give him the right to attempt the murder of the headmaster. So you had to stop him before he does something he'll regret afterward.

But there was a tiny miny problem. You forgot how to cast the disarming charm. Was it expellamrus or expellaraus? With the panic of forgetting the spell and the fear of Draco killing Dumbledore before you prevent him from doing that, you accidentally cast something else and caused him to lose consciousness. And that made Dumbledore (and probably Harry since you can't see him) look your way.

"Miss Y/L/N. You shouldn't be here." his voice was full of concern.

"Is me being here the only problem right now?!" you shouted, pointing to Draco's fainted body.

"You don't understand, it's nothing you should interfere yourself with. Get away from here before it becomes too late." he said. And his eyes were looking somewhere behind you. So you thought there was a death eater behind you and cast the same spell without even looking at the person. Turns out it was Professor Snape. Oops.

So you accidentally caused two people to faint. But on the bright side, Dumbledore is alive right? You turned toward him to help him get up. But he wasn't willing to do so.

"Seriously, why don't you move?! We must hurry up and get out of here!" you said with a panicked tone. Who knows what awaits you if you stay there?

"If I leave here alive, they'll kill Draco surely." Dumbledore said. He was as calm as always.

"Are you telling me you'll commit suicide because of that?!" you kept shouting because you were still angry. He was an irresponsible headmaster indeed. How can he say such things in front of his students?!

"I'm not saying that. But they have to believe I died." he said with a mysterious smile on his lips.

That's how he faked his death and disappeared for months while you and the trio escaped from death eaters. He stayed in the shadows with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin so they can prepare a backup plan. In the end, he returned for the Hogwarts war.

Long story short, you can go wild and knock out two death eaters without a problem when you are really angry. And that was going to be the case for this situation too.

You were invisible and on the air. Not to mention you had your wand and the indescribable anger with you. So the only option you were going to choose is none other than violence. But who was going to go down first? The woman was getting on your nerves every time she twisted the pipe and made Derek suffer. But the blind man looked dangerous too.

Before you decide on one, the man shouted out of nowhere.

"I am the Alpha of Alphas! I am the apex of apex predators! I am Death, destroyer of worlds! I am the Demon Wolf!" that was his last words before you paralyze him with the full body-binding curse. Now his posture was looking exactly like the stick he carries with him everywhere.

When he collapsed and became unable to move anymore, everyone started to look around to see what happened just now. That's when you made your entrance. You removed the invisibility spell and stood there on your broom with your wand in your hand, looking them from up.

"I'll give you ten seconds to take your friend and leave this building. If you cherish your lives, that is." you said with a threatening tone.

But the female alpha didn't seem to fall for it. And jumped toward you to attack. But avoiding her on your broom was easy peasy. So you had to encourage her to leave a bit further. Like that, you cast on her a spell that caused her fingers to turn a jelly-like shape. She won't be able to use her fingers for twenty-four hours.

"What did you do to me?!" she shouted as she looked at her -not so beautiful- fingers. "I'll kill you!" her face turned into the werewolf form.

"You won't live long enough to do that if you stay here any longer." wow, you're getting better and better at this bad guy thing.

She growled at you and left the building in a hurry while trying to carry the blind alpha. But because of her jelly fingers, she dropped him twice even before they left the room. It was a sight worth seeing.

Now you had to face Derek. With this event, you officially confessed that you're a witch. Everything was up to Derek's reaction. When you glanced up at him, the girl was helping him get rid of the pipe that was torturing him. When you took a step toward their way she defended him protectively.

"Don't you come any closer!" she was trembling because she was afraid of you doing anything bad to them. And this made your heart ache a bit. She was looking at you as if you were a monster.

Just like how you looked at Derek at that car accident.

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