38 ◉ Silent Symphony of Pain

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That portrait belonged to nonother than Tom Riddle. You couldn't recognize him right away because it was a drawing of him before his face was ruined. And he was looking at you with a smirk that felt way too real. Like he got out of his grave.
Suddenly, a cold breeze swept through the room, raising the hair on the back of your neck. Before you could react, the receptionist materialized from the shadows, her eyes gleaming with darkness.

"Well, well, well. Look who found my little secret. You've been quite the curious one, haven't you?"

Frozen in place, you felt a surge of fear course through your veins. That woman's true nature had been unveiled, and you found yourself trapped within her grip.

"You're a death eater, aren't you?" You asked but your voice didn't come out as loud as you wanted. "What... what do you want from me?" A ridiculous question indeed.

Her wicked smile widened, revealing her true intentions.

"Revenge. I want revenge for what you did during the Hogwarts War. You and your pitiful friends thought you could defeat the Dark Lord. And now, I will make you pay for that."

Panic surged within you, but you fought to maintain your calmness, searching for any opportunity to escape.

"Revenge won't bring you the peace you seek."

The woman's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down your spine.

"Good? Peace? Those are nothing but illusions, my dear. The only thing that matters now is my revenge, and you will be the instrument of my wrath."

Without warning, she raised her wand and unleashed a torrent of dark magic toward you. The Crucio curse struck you with immense pain. Agony consumed your body, overwhelming your senses as you crumpled to the floor, suffering in torment.

Tears welled in your eyes, but you refused to let her break your spirit. Summoning your inner strength, you fought against the agonizing pain, determined to endure and survive.

In the clutches of that woman's sadistic revenge, you endured the torment as she relentlessly cast the Cruciatus Curse upon you. Each wave of agonizing pain rippled through your body, leaving you gasping for breath, your strength lessening with each passing moment.

She reveled in your suffering, her eyes filled with malicious delight, enjoying every moment of your helplessness.

"How does it feel, dear? To know the pain and despair that you and your friends inflicted upon the Dark Lord? It's poetic justice, don't you think?"

As she continued to subject you to the relentless torment of the Cruciatus Curse, you felt the weight of your helplessness settle upon your shoulders. The pain surged through your body like a cruel tide, each wave crashing against your senses, leaving you gasping for breath.

But between the torturing agony, a chilling realization washed over you-an unsettling awareness that nobody could hear your cries, that your suffering went unnoticed by the world beyond these walls. Isolated and trapped, a deep sense of despair threatened to consume your spirit.

You strained against the invisible chains that bound you, desperately yearning for escape, for a piece of hope to pierce through the darkness that suppressed your existence. But the realization that your cries fell on deaf ears only deepened the despair that gripped your heart.

In the midst of this bleak reality, the woman enjoyed your misery. Her sadistic pleasure fueled her determination to break your spirit, to watch you crumble beneath the weight of her revenge.

"No one can hear you, dear. No one can save you from the agony I bestow upon you. Your suffering is mine to enjoy, mine to extend until your will is shattered."

The room spun, blurring into a twisted haze of pain and despair. Your vision flickered, the edges tinged with darkness as your body grew weak, unable to withstand the merciless assault on your spirit.

You laid on the floor for hours like that, screaming every time that woman pointed her wand towards you and cast her curse. Slowly losing your mind and hope along with it...


Clara's heart raced with worry as she paced back and forth in the dimly lit motel room. The weight of your disappearance bore heavily on her shoulders. You haven't picked up your phone for hours. This anxiety compelled her to seek help from the pack.

"I can't do this alone. I need to find the pack and ask for their help. Something is seriously wrong." Clara said with a voice filled with urgency.

"I'll come with you." Isaac said as he approached her.

"No, you have to stay here. The herbs that I prepared will make sure that you won't have those hallucinations again in this room. I don't know what will happen if you go out."

With determination in her eyes, Clara quickly made her way to the door, determined to track down Lydia, Allison, and Stiles. Leaving Isaac behind with worried eyes.

Clara walked briskly down the dimly lit motel hallway, the sound of her hurried footsteps echoing in the walls. She clutched her phone tightly in her hand, preparing to dial Lydia's number.

As she reached for her phone, a door creaked open nearby, catching Clara's attention. The receptionist emerged, her presence unexpected and unsettling.

"Lost, dear?"

Clara's eyes widened in surprise, her unease growing as she took in the woman's seemingly innocent manner.

"Who are you?" Clara said, her voice tinged with caution.

"That's not important right now. What matters is that you stay out of things that don't concern you."

A chill ran down Clara's spine, warning her of the danger lurking beneath the woman's friendly face.

"Where is Y/N?" Clara said but her trembling voice didn't make her any confident.

"Oh, she's here. And she's about to learn the consequences of meddling in things she shouldn't." she said with a smirk.

Clara's heart pounded in her chest as fear and desperation welled up within her. She searched for a way out, but the motel hallway seemed to close in around her, trapping her with the wicked woman.

"Prepare yourself, little witch. You've crossed paths with forces beyond your understanding, and soon you will pay the price too." the woman said, her voice filled with satisfaction.

As Clara stood face to face with the woman, a sense of isolation washed over her. She was alone in this terrifying encounter, the pack still unaware of the danger that had befallen her and you.

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