31 ◉ You Say What?

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"I can heal him, just let me-" you said with a friendly tone. But she wasn't willing to listen.

"We don't need your help. Just get out of here! Or else I'll call the pack in this instant! Even a witch like you won't be able to fight a pack of werewolves alone." she was trying to hide the fact she was afraid. But why couldn't she understand that you're their ally? Maybe this is related to the reason Derek attacked you in that accident. Wait, did she say the pack? There are more werewolves?!

Derek held the girl's arm and shook his head, saying it's alright. And tried to stand still in front of you, with eyes full of sadness. At this point, you couldn't understand if these were disappointed or guilty eyes.

"Will you let me heal you?" you asked him, his stomach was bleeding so much but little did you know he will heal by himself with his werewolf powers anyway. You were just trying to prove to him that you were by his side. But his facial expression didn't change even a bit.

 But his facial expression didn't change even a bit

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"Was it you?" he asked. What was he asking about? There was something odd going on between you and him. It was like you weren't talking about the same thing. Like there was a wall between you that prevents you from seeing each other properly. You had to talk about everything clearly now, so this weird situation wouldn't go more complicated than it already was.

"What are-" but your talk was cut short by a claw cutting your back. Oh no- you were careless for a moment and didn't notice someone approaching you from behind. And when you turn around to face the attacker, they grabbed your throat and lifted you, making it hard for you to breathe.

"I finally found you! Did you miss me?"

That was the middle-aged man that you saw in the wood. The one you cast a spell for him not to talk about witchcraft. He looks pretty angry and murderous.

"Peter let her down." Derek demanded to the man. They must've some connection between them. Probably that pack the girl was talking about.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. This little witch was annoying me for a while. But it ends now." he tightened his grip, with this you were slowly getting closer to your death.

At that moment an extremely high noise filled the room. Derek was growling at the man and his eyes were as red as blood. He was quite frightening. The man must've gotten afraid too, because he dropped you to the ground. You started coughing like crazy. The physical power that werewolves had was not something to joke about.

"Why are you defending her anyway? She is a murderer that sacrifices people for God knows what?!" The man whose name turned out to be Peter spoke up. Who is doing what?! You wanted to say it loud but couldn't do it because of all the coughing.

"We don't know that for sure." Derek said. For sure?! Was he suspecting you being the person behind the sacrifices?!

"Don't fool yourself. How many witches do you think could be in this town?!" oh dear he has no idea. "Besides, everything started with her coming into this town didn't it?" Peter said. He wasn't wrong now that you think about it. It was almost like someone arranged everything to be against you.

"That doesn't prove anything." Derek said. But his voice didn't sound like he believed what he said. And this fact hurt you a bit.

"Are you really stupid or is it just your face?" you said to Peter, finally catching your breath.

"Pardon me?" he said with a stern voice.

"Do you think there is only one witch in this crowded town? Of course I'm not the only one. Besides, how can I know you're not the one who's behind those sacrifices? No offense but you seem quite evil to me."

He clenched his teeth and gave you a hateful glance. His feelings didn't affect you even a bit though. That's why you were looking at Derek, the person that you wanted him to believe in you.

"You were lying about the Isaac situation." Derek said as if he was wanting an explanation.

"I didn't want you to know that I was a witch."

"So you're admitting it!" Peter said in a victorious manner.

"No, I'm just saying I had to hide my identity. It's against the law to tell muggles about the wizarding world."

"The what?" the girl asked, a bit dumbfounded.

"I shouldn't have said that." you said, closing your mouth with your hands. "I won't talk about it any further so don't force me to!"

"Okay, whatever. Just tell us the real story then." Derek said. Not as interested as that girl. His curiosity was directed toward a different topic, which is the Isaac situation.

"A friend of mine wanted to make a joke to me. She put a love potion in the food and Isaac ate it accidentally." you didn't want to say them that Stiles was supposed to eat it. You confessed enough things for one day already.

"And who was it meant for in the first place?" Derek asked as if he read your mind.

"I'm not saying it." you said. He didn't like this response but didn't dig any further anyway.

He thought a while about the situation. You couldn't blame him for being confused. He's probably trying to figure out whether or not he should trust you.

"It's not something I can decide on my own. I should talk this matter with the pack. I'll call you to inform what we will do. Just know you're not out of suspects yet." He said. This is so ridiculous, why should you wait for some puppy band to decide about your innocence? You tried not to bother by it and wrote your number on a piece of paper and gave it to Derek.

"What is this?" he asked.

"How do you think calling me without having my number?"

He paused for a moment to realize that he doesn't have your number. This made him feel embarrassed after all the effort he put into looking cool. He chuckled and took the paper. While you were leaving the building -after taking care of the wound on your back- some silly thought made you smile.

You came here to confront him about the accident yet you're returning home after giving him your phone number.

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