46 ◉ Death Or Alive

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As you finally returned to high school after the chaotic events that had unfolded, a sense of normalcy began to settle over you. The hallways were once again bustling with students, and the familiar surroundings offered a welcome rest from the recent chaos.

Your first morning back was spent catching up with your best friend, Clara. The two of you found a quiet corner of the school courtyard.

Clara's eyes sparkled with a mix of relief and excitement as she told about the moment her parents had heard about the accident. "Oh my gosh, you should've seen their faces when I got home. They were beside themselves with worry. My mom was practically in tears."

You listened carefully, offering a sympathetic smile. "I can only imagine how they must have felt."

Clara's voice held a note of pride as she continued, a hint of excitement in her words. "But you know what? When the Aurors who accompanied me home spoke to my parents, they were so impressed with how I the situation. They said I showed remarkable calmness and quick thinking."

Your smile widened, genuinely proud of your friend's strength and courage. "That's amazing, Clara. You've always been quick on your feet."

Clara's cheeks flushed with a mix of modesty and pride. "Well, I guess I have you and the rest of our friends to thank for that. We've been through a lot together."

As the conversation flowed, you found yourself sharing your own experiences from the previous night. "Speaking of going through a lot, you won't believe what happened after the others left. Stiles insisted on driving me home, despite all the offers from my wizard friends."

Clara's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Stiles, huh? That's interesting. How did it go?"

A playful smile tugged at your lips as you recalled the ride home with Stiles, highlighting the unexpected romantic tension that had lingered between you

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A playful smile tugged at your lips as you recalled the ride home with Stiles, highlighting the unexpected romantic tension that had lingered between you. "It was... different. He dropped me off, and we had a pretty nice conversation. You know, the kind that makes your heart race a little."

Clara poked you with a knowing grin. "Oh, I see. Sounds like there's more to this story."

You chuckled, your cheeks warming slightly. "Maybe. But then, when I got home, my parents were waiting for me. It was kind of intense. They were worried sick, and we ended up having this emotional talk about their past and everything."

Clara's expression shifted to one of understanding, her voice laced with empathy. "Wow, that must have been heavy."

You nodded, your gaze distant as you recalled the bittersweet conversation. "Yeah, but it was also kind of... They're starting to mend their relationship, you know? It's like the events of last night brought us all closer together."

Clara's eyes softened, her hand reaching out to give yours a comforting squeeze. "I'm glad you have your parents there for you. And Stiles, too. It sounds like you have some amazing people in your life. Me included of course."

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