28 ◉ Warm Embrace

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To be honest, you didn't expect this. The person you predicted to be a vampire turned out someone afraid of the sight of blood. And now you had a finger that was bleeding like crazy and a fainted boy to deal with. Perfect (!)

You went to the bathroom for some bandages to wrap your finger. You can't even use magic to heal it since Stiles would get suspicious. What a bother. You took a bottle of cologne on your way back to make Stiles smell it. So his senses can come back.

You stood beside him and waited for him to wake up

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You stood beside him and waited for him to wake up. In the meantime, you were looking at his facial features. His eyelashes and furrowed eyebrows were beyond cute. You took his hand into yours. How could it be possible for someone to have such beautiful hands? You shook your head disapprovingly. You shouldn't be thinking about this.

But on the bright side, Stiles is most likely not a vampire. And probably not a werewolf considering his reaction toward blood. This made your heart at ease a little bit. Stiles' consciousness become to come back. He opened his eyes slowly and flinched when he saw you sitting quite close to him.

"What happened?" he asked as he rubbed his neck.

"I cut my hand and you..." there was no need to complete this sentence because Stiles' embarrassed face made it pretty clear that he didn't want you to say it out loud. His reaction put a smile on your face.

"I- I don't actually have blood phobia you know. It's just, for a moment I felt dizzy. Probably it's because of lack of sleep."
The sound that came from the window made you look in that direction. And you would be happier to see anything else but the thing that you're staring now. If Voldemort were to be there, climbing the building for casting the death curse on you, you wouldn't feel that much threatened. There was standing the owl that you send to Lupin. With an envelope placed at its mouth.

You had to think fast. Because Stiles was about to turn around to see where was that sound coming from. There were a lot of possible ways to prevent him from seeing the owl. You could throw a pillow at it, or scream loudly to scare it off, or even hit Stiles by his head to knock him off without seeing the owl.

But what did you do? You threw your arm around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was dumbfounded for a moment. He wasn't expecting you to do something like this. Nor did you, to be honest. But now you were facing directly with the owl. And you signed it to go downstairs. Since it's your owl, it got used to your awkwardness. You could swear the owl sighed before it fly away.

"Umm, I'm not quite sure what we're doing right now." Stiles said with an awkward tone. And he was confused about where to put his hands, so he just hold them in the air in a weird way. You pulled away from him and looked at him with a worried expression.

"I was so worried for you when you fainted. It's a relief that you're all right." you said, faking a tear while you're at it.

He looked a bit confused and sad for making you worry

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He looked a bit confused and sad for making you worry. Over something that ridiculous at that. So it became more and more awkward as he hugged you back lightly and patted your head. As much as his gentle touch made you comfortable and peaceful and happy and everything, you had to get out of this hug and send him off as soon as possible. Or else he could see something he shouldn't.

"Are you sure you can drive in this state?" you asked him as you move away from him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." he said.

You two went downstairs and Stiles said goodbye to your dad. After making sure he left with his jeep, you ran toward the window and opened it, letting the owl come inside. After giving it something to eat, you read the letter which Lupin send to you as a reply. Hoping it to help you understand the situation you're in better.


Stiles was driving towards Scott's home. But even though his eyes were on the road, his mind was still in that room he was in just a few minutes ago. What happened there was utterly ridiculous yet somewhat nice. Not the part he fainted of course, but the part Y/N hugged him tightly and said that she was worried about him.

For an unknown reason, her hug made his heart warm. And her beautiful smell filled in his lungs. How can she smell this good? Stiles wondered what kind of perfume she was using. His thoughts were disturbed by a call from Scott. He sighed before picking up the phone.

"We should get paid for dealing with all this supernatural mess." he said to himself.


You stood in front of your wardrobe, trying to pick something to wear. It had to be something that'll give dangerous girl vibes. Something like leather pants or jacket could work. And the reason behind your preparations was simple. You were going to talk with Derek directly.

Lupin made you think that not every werewolf is bad. Of course, you knew that. But the stories that he told you in his letter about the times he was misunderstood as a monster made you rethink your decision about Derek. Maybe that incident was a misunderstanding too.

Since you didn't have anything made of leather (you're not much of a bad girl yourself) you put on some black clothes and headed toward the woods. You didn't know where he lives but it's a good thing that you're a deputy's daughter. It didn't take you an hour to find the address.

Only if you knew what was going on in that house at that moment...

Only if you knew what was going on in that house at that moment

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Soo... I know I couldn't update for a while. It wasn't intentional. I've been very busy these days. Even though I have a very important exam this weekend I wanted to update this book. Or else it'll come into my nightmares ~
Have a nice day. 💐

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