35 ◉ One Goes Another Comes

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You took a step into the bathroom and the heavy blood scent filled your lungs. You were about to vomit just like that Jered guy. But menaged to hold it in anyways.

Hearing the door open, Lydia came to look who's at the door. Stiles was standing protectively in front of her. They probably thought the twins came to cause trouble.

 They probably thought the twins came to cause trouble

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"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked. A bit surprised by seeing your sudden appearance, but relieved that you're not a homicidal werewolf that came to kill them.

Lydia looked at you and Clara a bit guarded. Not knowing how she should act in this situation. There was some voices coming from inside, like someone was in unbearable pain.

"I'm here to help Scott." You said with a strong attitude. Stiles' expression chanced, like he was trying to understand what you meant.

"As you all know by now, I'm a witch. And healing a bleeding wound is something very easy with the right spell."
Lydia thought about it for a moment. Then opened the way for you two to get inside. Stiles was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Wait, are you saying you'll be doing it here? Like hocus pocus?" He asked as he moved his arms in a funny way. Lydia rolled her eyes and pulled him out of the way.

Even if this little interaction of them made you a bit jealous, you let it go and headed towards the source of blood scent. Scott was on the floor, Allison was trying to help with bondaging. You bend down to take a better look on the wound but... It was quite disgusting.

"How did you get a wound like this?" You asked to Scott.

He looked at you and then Stiles. As if he was asking him what were you doing here. Although, Allison was relieved to see you.

"Can you heal him?" She asked hopefully.

"I need to know what caused this first. As much as I know he should've been healed since he has super healing powers."

As you continued to examine Scott's wound, trying to understand why his accelerated healing wasn't working, he mustered the strength to speak despite the pain. His voice was strained but determined.

"It was an alpha," Scott said, his gaze locking with yours

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"It was an alpha," Scott said, his gaze locking with yours. "I was attacked by an alpha werewolf."

Your eyes widened, a mixture of shock and concern spreading across your face. The realization hit you, and you could sense the gravity of the situation. Alpha werewolves were known for their strength, dominance, and the ability to turn humans into werewolves with a single bite.

"An alpha?" you repeated, your voice tinged with disbelief. "That explains it. Alphas possess incredible power. Their bites are potent, and their wounds can be more difficult to heal."

Allison's eyes widened as well, her worry intensifying. "Y/N, can you still help him? We can't let this go untreated."

You took a moment to collect your thoughts, adjusting your approach to accommodate the severity of Scott's condition. "I can still try to heal him, but we need to act swiftly. We have to find a way to neutralize the alpha's influence on his healing abilities."

Despite Scott's initial suspicion of your intentions as a witch, you remained steadfast in your commitment to help him. You understood that his skepticism was driven by a mix of fear and the unknown, and it was essential to earn his trust through your actions.

As Scott began to witness the effectiveness of your healing spell, his guarded demeanor gradually softened. He saw firsthand the positive impact of your magic on his well-being and began to recognize your genuine intent to assist him.

You approached Scott with patience and empathy, aware of the skepticism he still harbored. "Scott, I understand that magic is new and unfamiliar to you, and it's natural to have doubts. But my sole purpose here is to help you, to protect my friends and your pack. I hope that my actions can speak louder than any words."


After claning the bus all students got inside again in order to contunue the way. Scott was much more better now and he expressed his gratude more than once ever since you get into the bus. As the bus rumbled along, with all the eyes turning toward the new girls that came out of nowhere, coach was asking where Greenberg went.

Clara said that she saw him taking a bus that goes the opposide direction. The coach got super angry after hearing that. That was probably what clara wanted anyway. He was enjoying annoying him as much as he was enjoying torturing his students.

You leaned back and started looking out of the window. For some thw rason Derek came to your mind. You didn't know the reason through. Maybe after making it up with Scott reminded you about him. But you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if something was wrong.

Scott and the others have been discussing something in hushed tones at the front of the bus. Their voices was carry, blending with the soft hum of the engine.

"I can't believe he didn't make it out alive. But are you sure he's dead?" Lydia asked Allison.

"Yeah, it's hard to accept. He fought until the end, though." Isaac said with a sad voice. As if someone really close to him had passed away.

You started feeling uncomfortable. Who were they talking about?

"We have to stay strong for each other. Things will be harder from now on." Stiles said.

"You're right." Scott said, the most depressed of them all.

Your breath catched in your throat, eyes filled with tears.You whispered in denial;

"No... It can't be true. It can't be him."
But the words that came out of Scott's mouth wiped off that tiny hope and doubt you had in your heart.

"I can't believe Derek is dead."

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