43 ◉ Are You Sirius?!

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"For god's sake, please shut up!"

The tall man shouted, his patience wearing thin. The trio of wizards exchanged baffled glances as Stiles continued to spill his secrets.

Stiles' words flowed uncontrollably under the influence of the truth serum. He told every bizarre event, every supernatural encounter, and every dangerous situation he had faced since his acquaintance with werewolves.

"Seriously, Stiles, we don't need a play-by-play of your entire supernatural life," the tired-looking man added, a puzzled smile playing on his lips.

Stiles blinked, finally realizing the extent of his oversharing. "Oops, sorry about that. Truth serum, you know?"

The boy with glasses chuckled, his green eyes dancing with amusement. "Yeah, truth serum tends to have that effect. But I think we've heard enough for now."

Stiles nodded, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "Right, got it. No more talking. Lips sealed."

The tall man sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Honestly, kid, you've been through quite the adventure. But we've got more pressing matters to deal with at the moment." He paused for a moment. "I'm Sirius Black, these people here are Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, and Nymp-- ehem I mean Dora Lupin. We're Y/N's friends back from Hogwarts."

Stiles didn't understand the last word but nodded anyway, grateful for them to open up.

As the wizards began discussing their plan for the situation, Stiles leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. He couldn't believe how your attempt to escape a dangerous situation had led you two to this surreal encounter with wizards who seemed to be straight out of a fantasy novel.

And then, your eyes fluttered open, the world slowly coming back into focus. The room was filled with the relieved faces of Sirius, Remus, Harry, Tonks and, of course, Stiles. A collective sigh of relief seemed to fill the air as they realized you were awake.

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," Stiles said, his usual playful tone back in full force

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"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," Stiles said, his usual playful tone back in full force.

"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," Stiles said, his usual playful tone back in full force

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You managed a weak smile, your voice a little hoarse as you spoke. "Did I miss anything exciting?"

Sirius chuckled, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "Just a bit of truth serum-induced storytelling, but we've moved past that."

Remus leaned forward, concern still evident in his eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by lightning, but I'll survive, probably." you replied, trying to push yourself into a sitting position.
Harry offered you a glass of water, his smile genuine. "Here, take it easy."

"Thanks," you said, taking a sip and feeling the cool liquid soothe your throat.
Stiles leaned in closer. "You had us worried for a moment there. Seriously, fainting in a creepy new place? Not your best move."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Yeah, well, sorry for stealing the spotlight."

Sirius cleared his throat, his expression turning more serious. "In all seriousness, we're glad you're okay. We may have started off on the wrong foot, but we're ready to help."

Remus nodded in agreement. "Indeed, you've certainly piqued our curiosity with your unexpected arrival."

Harry grinned. "And the truth serum confession was definitely a unique introduction."

You couldn't help but chuckle, the sincerity in the room putting you at ease. "Well, I have plenty to ask from you actually... We have people we need to save back there."

You exchanged a knowing look with Stiles, a silent understanding passing between you. Despite the hard situation, having Stiles by your side brought a sense of familiarity and comfort.


As the witches departed the room, Clara, Lydia, and the rest of the pack cautiously emerged from their cramped hiding spot within the wardrobe. The gravity of the situation hung heavy upon them, pressing down like a shadow they couldn't escape.

"We can't stay here," Allison stated, her voice laced with urgency.

Clara's eyes were full of determination, driven by a mix of fear and anger. "I won't leave without saving my friend, no matter what."

Isaac, his expression tender, moved closer to Clara and enveloped her in a comforting hug. "We're with you, Clara. We'll find her, I promise."

The support from the pack seemed to ease Clara's distress, even if only slightly. She nodded, acknowledging their solidarity.

Scott, his brow furrowed with concern, spoke up. "We've waited for Stiles long enough. It's time to come up with a plan. I'm starting to get worried."

Lydia's mind worked quickly, piecing together their next steps. "Alright, first things first. We need to gather information. Find out more about this 'Dark Lord' and what they're planning."

"We also need to figure out where they're keeping Y/N. That's our top priority." Isaac said.

Allison added, her voice firm. "And we can't forget about Stiles. We need to locate him as soon as possible."

Clara's gaze swept over the group. "Here's what we'll do. Lydia and I will focus on gathering information. Isaac and Allison, your job is to track down Y/N. Scott, you keep an eye out for any signs of Stiles."

"While we're apart, we stay connected," Lydia emphasized. "If anyone senses danger or makes a breakthrough, we regroup immediately."

Heads nodded in agreement, each member taking on their assigned task.

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