11 ◉ Guests

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They break through the windows and started flying around the classroom. Everyone ducked for cover. The bird's feathers and talons were cutting people, injuring them. You and Clara exchanged a frightened look and brainstormed what to do in seconds. But nothing came to mind, it was so sudden you two got caught unguarded. All you could think was protecting Stiles somehow, yet when you saw him you gave up that idea.

He was shielding the strawberry blonde girl

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He was shielding the strawberry blonde girl. It was as if he wanted her to be safe more than anything else. He was hugging her so tightly with his arm that even you felt that warmth in your heart. Or maybe this is just the feeling of jealousy. It's sitting on your heart like a burden and nobody can lift it unless Stiles takes his arms away from that beautiful girl.

Although he didn't release his grip until it was all over and there was just a classroom full of shaken kids and dead crows. It was reassuring that he wasn't injured badly, yet some students weren't as lucky as him. It was a mess from here. Somebody called the police, and some others called an ambulance but no one was sane enough to talk about what happened just now.

Your English Teacher, whose name is revealed as Ms. Blake, had her face covered in scratches from the birds and she looked exhausted by her first morning of teaching. Stiles pulled a stray feather out of her hair for helping her. He's so cute.

You wondered if all this 'helping those who are in need' is his thing or not. Maybe he's a superhero like those in Marvel comics. It would be cool though, you imagined him as spiderman since he's your favorite.

You imagined Stiles hugging you tightly while protecting you from a villain. He throws a net to those long buildings in new york and you two fly while the lights of the city lie beneath you. Your hair blows in the wind as you hear his heartbeats. He tries to save you from evil but the villain turns out stronger and gets you. Then they start to tap on your shoulder. Wait, what?

You realize the one who taps was Clara. And she was frustrated to see you daydreaming in the middle of an animal storm.

"Seriously Y/N?!" She yelled at you and went to help the injured people. You tried to pull yourself together.

When you stand in the middle of the classroom thinking about why this happened and how to avoid it next time, a man with a light beard arrived and was talking to Allison. He was probably his father given his age and the way they talk to each other. You overheard her tell him that this, combined with the deer can't be a coincidence.

What does that mean? A little suspicion of them knowing about this whole animal situation came to your mind. This is getting complicated every single moment.

The sheriff walked over to Allison's dad and asked if he has any insight into the bizarre animal behavior. Just like you thought he has to know something. You should investigate this matter further sometimes.

"You must've seen something like this before, right?"

"I'm not sure why I would or why you would think I would."

"I'm sorry. I could've sworn I overheard my son talking about how you were an experienced hunter."

"Right. Well, not anymore." he said excusing himself and taking his daughter with him.


Even though all these problems going on in your life you still had a good plan for today. And it's the Weasleys coming for dinner! You were so excited about their visit that you prepared more than needed meals. You cooked both muggle and wizard dishes for their liking.

Your father gave you an unapproved look as he grabbed his coffee from the table and took a sip. He wasn't very excited to have a wizarding family as a guest. He thought they'll be coming by riding brooms with their robes and black cats. Of course, they won't come like that, what does he think honestly? They'll be coming from the fireplace.

So you cleaned and placed a fancy carpet in front of it. The candles, tables, plates, cups, everything was ready and perfect. And most importantly, the basement was clean and full of your dreams about potions and charm practices.

Hermione taught you a lot of spells in the meantime yet you practiced just a certain among of them because you didn't have a proper place for doing it. But this problem was going to be solved today.

You kept checking time since they were late a bit. And your dad was nervous as he didn't know what kind of people he was going to meet. Even if he did complain about this idea, in the end, he accepted and helped you to prepare. He even dressed up for welcoming them.

When the waiting continued longer than normal you started to worry. What if something bad happened to them? What if they're in danger? This kind of thoughts surrounded you when someone came out of the fireplace.

They were covered in ash and coughing while shaking the dust off of their clothes. It was none other than your dear friend Ginny. You hugged her not caring about getting your clothes dirty. She replied to you with another hug.

When you two parted you saw all the Weasly family came. And also they get every part of the carpet black with ash. You didn't need to look at your dad to know what kind of situation he is in. So pretending as if nothing happened to the room and cleaning it with magic seemed to be a better solution.

It was a lively dinner. Turned out your father and Mr. Wesley had so much in common. Actually, this could be expected since he has a special curiosity about muggles and their lifestyle. And a proud Japanese man, your father had a lot of traditional objects in his personal office.

When they were busy with their middle-aged man businesses, you make coffee for everyone. Mrs. Wesley, Ginny, and you sat at the table and started chitchatting. Fred and George were in an online meeting about their work. Who would think that selling joke items would be this serious business?

And Ron was on phone with his *ahem* girlfriend. Charlie and William didn't come so now you two girls were sitting and gossiping. Somehow the topic came to you and your one-sided crush.

"Can we see him please?" Ginny asked with an innocent tone.

"Of course not!" You snapped. There was no way you could invite him to your house. You would want it though.

"Oh, you remind me of my youth. The years that we meet with Arthur." She then sighed. They must love each other you thought.

"At least show me a photo geez." Ginny said resting her chin on her left hand.
You took your phone out and showed her the photos you took. You talked to her about anything. That Hermione teaching you, the unordinary animal behaviors and how you get jealous of Stiles. You might have mentioned Derek a bit too.

When you reached your second hour of talking Mr. Weasley came and said he can do the spell you requested from him. So you took him to the basement while Fred and George followed you there.

Mr. Wesley said he has to concentrate so you headed upstairs with the twins to leave him to do his thing. You wanted him to do a widening charm to the basement so you can use it more conveniently.

When you reached the hallway you saw the twins smirking at you mischievously.

This can't be a good sign in any way.

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