Part 2: This Is Just A Simple See You Soon

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Lizzie's pov

After finding Y/N's mum in the kitchen on Sunday morning in tears after hearing their conversation, well more of an argument. I decided to go home to speak to my mum.

"So what is this about sweetie?" She asked me softly.

"Well, Y/N's mum wants to get rid of Y/N's dad's project car and Y/N doesn't want to get rid of it because they want to finish it when they can. They had a huge argument over Y/N's career choice and she walked out and is probably visiting her dad. So I was wondering if you would let us store the car in our garage since it doesn't get used?" I asked her hopefully.

"Of course sweetie. But only until you both get your own place and then you can store it there while she works on it." She told me making me smile.

"Thank you mum. You're the best." I squealed as I hugged her.

"But you need to tell her how you feel." She told me with a smirk.

"You too?" I groaned out as she nodded and laughed at me. "I had the exact same thing off Y/N's mum last night."

"Well it's not like you hide it very well sweetie." She chuckled as I stood up to leave, hoping that Y/N is home now. I gave her a hug and bid her goodbye before heading back to Y/N's. When I walked inside, I saw Jamie watching his cartoons on the TV.

"Hey J man, is Y/N back yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she's upstairs." He told me without taking his eyes off the TV. I let myself in her bedroom to see her packing her bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as I watched her pack.

"No where yet mon Coeur. I'm just packing my bag ready for Monday morning." She told me softly. "I'm just making sure that I have everything I need."

"Are you ok?" I asked her since I never had a chance to before.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I just want to enjoy this week with my favourite people." She smiled at me as she zipped her bag before walking over to me. "I'm sorry that you heard that before." She said quietly as I held her hand 

"It's ok. I understand that this week is going to be hard on everyone. There is going to be a lot of emotions." I told her with a soft smile.

"Well, lets go and take Jamie out for ice cream." She beamed at me as I nodded and we both made our way downstairs.

"Hey bud." She greeted her brother as she sat down beside him. "Go and get your coat and shoes on." She nudged him.

"Why?" He asked her cutely.

"So we can go and have ice cream." She beamed as he squealled and ran to put on his coat and shoes. 

"He's going to miss you so much." I told her as she smiled sadly

"I'm gonna miss him more." She said as she made sure that she had everything. Jamie didn't take too long to come down, practically sprinting towards the door making us both laugh. We walked holding Jamie's hands as he walked in between us, smiling brightly. Once we made it to the park, he went straight to the ice cream vendor and got his favourite. I ordered my own as Y/N paid for the three of us.

"So J man, shall we go and see the ducks?" She asked him as she knelt down to his level.

"Yess!" He exclaimed as he started to run towards the pond with Y/N following behind. He stopped and cried when he dropped his ice cream, which Y/N gave him hers. Luckily she ordered herself his favourite. I honestly love their relationship. When I reached them, Y/N held her arm out for me as she held Jamie's hand in hers as we walked around the park.

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