Part 11 : Love Is One Of The Most Scary Things

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Lizzie's pov

I don't think I will ever get used to Y/N leaving. All I know is that she is everything that I want in my future. Jamie has got me watching The Incredibles with him while Y/M/N is cooking dinner. I am going to try and spend as much time with Jamie as I can before I leave for school in few days. I plan on makimg Y/N proud and become the best of myself.

"Lizzie, can you help me a moment please?" Y/M/N asked me. I got up from my seat and walked to the kitchen and saw that she was just stirring a pot on the stove.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked  her softly.

"Nothing dear. I just wanted to check in on you." She said as she turned off the stove and gave me her attention. "I know how hard it is to watch them leave for months on end and yes, it is only training right now but we don't know when exactly she is going to be leaving for real."

"I'm as good as I can be." I told her as she got the both of us a drink from the fridge.

"You can always talk to me. I have been where you are and I know it isn't easy. It's overwhelming and you don't know how you're going to cope but you have your family and us too." She said softly as I took a sip of coke. 

The rest of the week flew by and before I know it, I'm back at my dorm with my roommate Monica. The best part was that what Y/N had said about there being a letter waiting for me was right. As soon as I got it in my hands I opened it immediately. 

Mon Coeur,

It's so good to be able to write to you again. It didn't seem right not doing it as soon as I could. Brad hates me now you're officially off the market because of your grease monkey. But I couldn't care because we finally told each other how we felt. I do agree and wish that it was sooner but there isn't anything we can do about that now, and I know you're going to be upset about us being apart for the next 7 weeks and also your birthday. But we will have to celebrate it when I come home and visit you. Which I can't wait to be able to hold you again mon coeur. Truly can't wait. 

But when I do see you again, I am not letting you go until I have to leave again. I may let you go to classes, depends on how needy I am. 

I love you with every part of me


I smiled brightly at the letter, not noticing Monica smiling at me from her bed. I placed it with the others that she had sent me but this is the first letter as a couple. 

"So, you finally confessed." Monica stated excitedly. 

"Yeah we did." I said with a beaming smile as Monica squealed. 

"That's amazing Liz." She said as she gave me a tight hug. "It is about time you got together though. With how you talk about her even when we first met. You could tell then that you're in love." She smiled at me as I blushed thinking about my Marine. The only thing that I have with this relationship is the constant fear of her going on tour and not coming back. The one nightmare that seems to happen all the time since I knew she was joining up. 

"It's just scary though." I whispered as she smiled reassuringly at me. 

"Of course it is. Love is one of the most scary things along with Death because they are both uncertain. You don't know when either will happen but you just embrace as soon as you understand it." She spoke softly as I nodded. I smiled at the pictures that we took over the holidays when she was home with us as Monica sat beside me as I shown her my grease monkey. "So you actually got her dad's project car to stop her mum from getting rid of it?" She asked me as we looked at a picture of Y/N covered in grease. 

"Yeah. It meant a lot to Y/N and she was working on it whenever she could when we were in school. Her face was priceless when she saw it in my mums garage." I told her with a wide smile remembering her reaction. 

"At least you don't have to go through the whole awkward meet the parents stage." She smirked as she nudged my shoulder making me chuckle. 

"Well that's good since our mums are best friends we shared a crib together." I told her as she looked at me shocked. 

"So you and Y/N have known each other forever and have only just told each other how you feel?" She asked me shocked. 

"We didn't know back then. Even when we were 10 she started to call me mon coeur after something her dad told her. I think she knew somewhere deep down that I was the one for her and the way that name was always for me made me feel special." I told her. "She never even called any of her exes that name, it was always reserved for me." 

"Wow, it's like a fairytale love." She whispered as I nodded. We spent the rest of the evening just talking about our holidays. The smile never leaving my face. 

Y/N pov

I was sat in my bunk writing another letter to Lizzie when Teddy walked in. I was contemplating sending the others but I decided against it. Maybe if I take them home I could give them to her but until then they can stay in their box under my bunk. 

"Y/N/N, let's go and kick Brad and Toby's asses on two v two. Brad keeps saying he's got a better jump shot." He said as he sat on the bed. 

"Alright then. Let's go and show them." I said as I put the letter in the envelope and back in my writing box. I got up and followed Teddy out onto the court. Somehow Brad managed to get a girl while we were here, I know weird right. 

"Look, here's the woman stealer." Brad teased with a smirk.

"You're just jealous because my girl is going to be a huge star in the future." I teased back making him chuckle. We spent the rest of the evening laughing and playing before we had to hit the hey before training at 0600hours. That night I slept dreaming of my future with Lizzie by my side. A house that we could call our own, a couple of kids and a mega load of different awards that she deserves.


Just a fluffy filler chapter guys. Let me know what you guys think.

Mon Coeur (Elizabeth Olsen x FemGiP Reader)Where stories live. Discover now