Part 48 : Wear Them With Pride

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Lizzie's pov

It has been a few weeks since Y/M/N and Jamie came. Y/N seems to be better in herself but she is starting college today. I am extremely proud of how far she has come but she is nearly 24 and I know that kids straight out of high school can be bitches.

"Good morning mon coeur." She greeted through the phone.

"Good morning baby." I smiled through the phone seeing her face. She is still hell bent on keeping her own place. MK has gone back to New York, reluctantly. "How are you feeling about today?" I asked her as I propped the phone up to get myself ready to take Alex to school.

"I am nervous but that is to be expected." She smiled nervously. "But it is only a two year course."

"You will do great Y/N. I am so proud of you." I told her.

"Are free Friday night?" She asked me as I made my way downstairs to make Alex's breakfast

"Yeah?" I told her waiting for her reason why 

"I wanted to take you out on a date. It has been a while and when I'm with you I don't really care much about how I look because you give me all the confidence I need." She said making my heart flutter.

"I will ask mum if she can have Alex for the weekend. We can make a weekend of it." I said as she smiled wider.

"That would be amazing." She said as I took a deep breath, getting ready to ask her a big question.

"Uhm. Y/N?" I started as I mixed the batter.

"What's up mon coeur?" She said with a soft smile.

"Would you want to come with me to the premiere next month?" I asked her without even seeing her reaction.

"I would love to be by my girl's side as she stuns the viewers of America." She said with a smirk.

"Your girl huh?" I teased her as she shrugged.

"You know it. You and I belong together mon coeur. Always have and we just didn't know it straight away." She said as I remembered all of our times together from when we were kids.

I was out playing in the yard with Y/N. Just a couple of 10 year olds playing make believe.

"Come on my darling princess, I shall take thy hand in marriage." Y/N spoke in a fake british accent making me break character and laugh. "You do realise that I am playing your game here." She said with her hands on her hips.

"I know Y/N/N. It's just funny." I said as I started to calm down from my laughing fit. But I took her hand as she helped me stand.

"So where were we?" She asked me.

"You were taking my hand in marriage my brave knight." I said with a curtsee and a smile.

"Oh yeah. I remember now." She smiled as she took my hand and then she started to goofily dance with me around the yard. Our laughter being the only thing that was heard throughout the house.

"Lizzie, Y/N. Time for a snack." Mum said as Y/N and I ran inside. We both hugged her before we sat at the table and ate mum's homemade cookies and milk.

Y/N pov

After my face time with Lizzie this morning, she put a smile on my face and I felt like I could do anything I wanted. I could be who I wanted. That is the confidence she gives me. I don't care what I look like when I am with her because she sees beyond the scars and nightmares. She sees the new me. The Y/N who made it out of that cell. The one who survived four years of torture. The one who will propose to her in the future because I plan on spending the rest of my life with her.

I walked through the corridors making my way to the classroom. I noticed the stares I got from some of the students. When I reached the classroom, I sat at the front of the class so I could see the board. As the class filled up, I could hear the whispers of me and my scars. I tried my best to ignore them and focus on the lesson. It was only when the professor dismissed us that I was approached.

"Why do you have all those scars?" A blonde girl asked me.

"That is none of your business." I told her as I packed my things. "I don't know how college works but I'm sure that the pettiness of high school is over. So please don't bother me again over my scars because I got these going through something that even you wouldn't dream of. And I am going to wear them with pride." I told her as I stood up straight before leaving her stunned. I felt really good to be able to do that.

When I finished my day, I went home to study. I wasn't going to Lizzie's today. I needed to go over what we were learning this semester.

It wasn't until I had took a break from studying that my mind started to spiral. The voices started with the simple things saying it would have been easier if I had died.

Lizzie is only with you out of pity.

She carried your daughter so she thinks she has an obligation to you.

You are nothing but broken glass that should be in the trash.

Why don't you do it yourself. End it all. Save everyone from your misery.

"Arrrrghhhhh!!" I screamed as I held my head in my hands. Tears streaming down my face. I thought I would be fine. I thought that I had a handle on this. I just don't know what to do.

I got myself to my feet and made my way to the bathroom. I splashed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I could still hear the voices in my head.

"You are strong. You are not what they say." I said to my reflection. "Lizzie is in love with you. She held out hope for us to come home and not have our own mind implode. We will not ruin our future with Lizzie and Alex. We will be a family and family is forever."


Another chapter dudes and a lil flashback to when they were kids. Please let me know what you think.

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