Part 35 : Find A New Dream

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Y/N pov

After Lizzie asked me if I wanted to look after Alex while she was working, I jumped at the chance to spend time with my daughter. She means everything to me and she is excited to be staying with MK and I. We have watched every single one of Alex's favourite movies and we took her to Santa Monica Pier and the beach to build sand castles. We baked cookies and made one hell of a mess and received a very unamused twin which made the pair of us laugh. I was tucking Alex in her bed as I wanted to ask her something. We have facetimed Lizzie every night but I could tell she was really missing her mum and Lizzie only had two weeks left.

"Hey mon âme, how would you like to surprise mummy?" I asked her as I knelt beside her bed so I was eye level.

"I would love that." She smiled which I returned. "I miss her." She said sadly as I got up beside her and pulled her into me. 

"I miss her too." I said as I kissed her head as she let some tears slip. "Now I will go and book the flight for you, Aunt MK and myself while you get to sleep." I told her as I tickled her side making her laugh. I made sure that her night light was on before I walked out into the living room. 

"The tickets are already booked." MK told me as I smiled at her as I joined her. She gave me a beer before we settled on watching Big Bang Theory. "So what are you going to do about work?" She asked me. I had waited for someone to ask this question. 

"I honestly don't know. Being a Marine is something that I have always wanted to do. I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps and then this happened." I told her honestly as she listened. "But now I have Alex here to think of and I don't want her to go through the pain I did." I told her as I took a sip of beer. 

"Well, you have plenty of time to think of what you want to do with the rest of your life. You're still young to find a new dream." She told me with a smile. "And you have Lizzie, even though you may not be together right now, she will always be there for you." She told me with a smile. I nodded as we both went back to watching the tv before we have to pack tomorrow before we leave. We booked a room with two queens at the same hotel that Lizzie is in. Thankfully after not being able to use my wages for the past four years, it all piled up. 

"I'll take the sofa tonight." I told her as she looked at me funny. "You've been on it every night since Alex has been staying with us and you need a good nights rest." I told her as I took our empty bottles to the kitchen. 

"What about your injuries?" She asked as she followed me. 

"They've mostly healed so." I shrugged as I made my way over to the sofa and lay down before she could say anything with a triumphant smirk on my face. She huffed out in defeat and decided to go to her room to sleep. After a while of listening to the quiet night I finally succumbed to my slumber. 

I was sat up against the wall of the cell that we occupied for I honestly don't know how long. John was all battered up since he has just came back from where they take us for our lessons as they like to call it. It wasn't until we heard the cell door open once more that we both looked up then back down again knowing what's coming. In a quick moment I was being lifted up of the ground and dragged out of the cell. They soon tied me to the chair. I had lost a lot of weight and my shirt that was once a fitted t shirt was now extremely baggy. There was barely any muscle and fat on my body.

"Are you ready again soldier?" Hudahma asked as he knelt down to my eye level. I just looked away from him not wanting him to come near me. I hissed in pain when I felt an excruciating pain in my leg. I looked to see he had planted a small knife there. I could feel the blade chipping away at the bone. "There's not much muscle left and I would love to know how much pain can be felt in the bone." He spoke as he pushed it in further causing me to scream out in pain. "So does that hurt like that with every bone." He spoke as he removed the blade giving me a second of peace before he plunged into my other leg earning a blood curdling scream from me. "Even after four years you still have a good set of lungs on you." He spoke as he repeated the same action. When they had enough of causing me pain by stabbing me repeatedly, he decided to untie me from the chair and I just flopped right out of it. He grabbed me up by my hair making me hiss at the pain as he dragged the bloodied blade down my face to add to the many scars he had littered there. "Four scars on your face. One for each year you have been my toy." He spat before I heard gunshots coming from down the hall. He hoisted me up with ease as he pressed the blade against my throat. I felt some relief as he pressed it in to the skin as the door opened with a bang. I smiled slightly when I noticed that Captain Ross and Brad were leading the rescue. "Come closer and she dies." Hudahma spoke as he pressed it in more. I could feel the warm liquid from the broken skin drip down my neck. 

"I have been extremely sick of you." Ross spoke but before he could give out an order we all heard a gunshot. I felt his grip around me loosen up as he fell to the floor with a bullet right between his eyes. 

"He was doing my head in and I just wanted to kill him." Brad shrugged as he ran over to me as I fell to my knees with a scream from the pain I was in.

"John?" I whispered as he made me comfy. 

"He's fine. They've taken him back to the chopper so we can take you both back to LA with us." He told me as Ross approached us both. 

"You good soldier?" He asked me as I nodded. He helped me to my feet and led me to the chopper and lay me on a gurney beside John. "You both look like hell." He stated as we both just laughed before we winced in pain because of our injuries. "Let's get you both home." He said as we were up in the air.


A little cheeky flashback to the rescue. Let me know what you guys think.

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