Part 47 : Y/M/N and Jamie

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Lizzie's pov

Y/N had applied for the community college business course ready for opening her own auto shop. I couldn't be anymore proud of her than I am right now. We also invited her mum and Jamie over for dinner. She wanted to reach out to them because they need to talk it out. I remember before she left for the mission, Jamie and her were inseparable. He looked up to her and loved her as she did him.

So I am currently cooking a lasagna with my little helper Alex. She is helping me by passing me the ingredients as Y/N was getting ready. I know she is nervous. Extremely nervous but I won't leave her side unless she asked me too.

"Hey. It smells amazing in here." Y/N spoke up from behind us. I felt her arms wrap around my waist as she kissed my temple.

"Well hopefully it will taste as good as it smells." I said as Alex decided to go off and watch her cartoons leaving Y/N and I alone.

"I am most definitely sure it will." She smiled softly before she kissed my lips softly. This is the life I have always wanted. The two of us in our own home with our children. Teaching them things like gardening, mechanics and cooking and other things too. We were soon broken from our bubble when the doorbell went. I sighed and moved from Y/N to answer it. I smiled when I saw Jamie and Y/M/N.

"Hi." I greeted them both as they smiled at me. I let them inside as Jamie went straight to the living room to watch cartoons with Alex as Y/M/N followed me to the kitchen. She froze in her tracks when she saw Y/N stood taking care of my cooking. Y/N looked up and saw her and gave her a shy smile.

"Hi mum." She whispered in a small voice. She seemed so vulnerable in this moment. Y/M/N had tears in her eyes as she looked at Y/N.

"I am so sorry about what I said." Y/M/N cried as she pulled Y/N in for a hug. "I was hurt. I mourned you after a year of you missing. I thought that I had lost you the same way I lost your father. So I mourned. I confirmed for myself that you were dead so I could try to move on. So Jamie could move on. He wouldn't leave your room for months. It was only when I had gotten a headstone for you he had somewhere else he could be with you."

"I'm so sorry mum." Y/N cried as she held onto her mum tightly.

"You have nothing to be sorry sweetheart. I do. I have everything to be sorry for. You came back after four years of hell and I abandoned you as easy as the alphabet." She said  as she cupped her daughters cheeks. "I will do everything in my power to earn your forgiveness."

"Well let's eat some food because I am starving." Y/N smiled as I went to get the kids as Y/N set the table. I heard the pitter patter of the kids going to was their hands as Y/N came walking in the kitchen. She helped us carry the plates through along with the drinks. Alex and Jamie were back in no time and ready to dig in. Y/N had asked Jamie to tell her everything that she had missed over the years. I could see the sad look in his eyes as he told Y/N everything. We all listened before Y/N decided to say something.

"I am going to college." Y/N told her mum who looked at her daughter shocked. "I am going to open up my own auto repair shop. It has helped me fixing up dad's old chevy."

"You still have that?" Y/M/N asked barely above a whisper.

"Lizzie kept it all these years mum. So whenever I have felt overwhelmed or needed to just unwind my mind I have been in the garage." She told her.

"Mama taught me how to sand the body work for new paint." Alex said proudly as Y/M/N looked between her daughter and granddaughter with a smile.

"I never thought you would be adjusted to parenthood so fast." She whispered as Y/N smiled shyly.

"Well, Alex makes it easy." Y/N spoke with a bright smile as she looked at Alex as she was in a conversation with Jamie about a cartoon that they have been watching.

"Well I haven't really said this but I am so proud of you. I am proud of the person you have become." She said. "The way you have grown up, despite what you went through during those years. You truly are the strongest person I have ever met, and I am the luckiest person who gets to call you my daughter." She said with tears in her eyes. We heard laughter from the living room and noticed that the two kids were in the living room watching their cartoons

"Well, we're going to be going camping soon if you and Jamie would like to join us." I offered her as she nodded with a smile. The rest of the evening went smooth as I could have imagined. We said goodbye to Jamie and Y/M/N as they got in their car and drove off.

"Can mama read me a story?" Alex ased tiredly as she held her soldier bear.

"Of course I can mon âme." She said as she lifted her in her arms and carried her up to her room. I went to tidy up the living room and the kitchen. I want so badly for Y/N to move in with me and Alex but I do know that she wants to get herself better and the only way she can do that is to not become dependant on anyone else. Which I am proud of her for. Which I constantly tell her.

"She is out like a light." I heard her say from behind me.

"Well she loves her mama." I said as I turned around to face her.

"Well, she makes it easy." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her. "You make it easy." She whispered as she kissed my head. "Thank you for today. You made today feel great."

"Well that is because I love you so much and I would do anything for you." I told her honestly.

"I love you more mon coeur." She said as she kissed my lips softly. "I will be heading off now."

"Ok baby, please text me when you get home." I asked her as she nodded.

"I'll be back in the morning before Alex wakes." She said as she opened the door. I kissed her again and watched as she got in MK's car that she has borrowed. I watched as she disappeared into the night before I locked up and went to bed myself. The smile never leaving my face.


Finally guys. A chapter for you and a little family reunion. Please let me know what you think. And also we have pass 90k views guys. That is fucking amazing and I love you all for your support

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