Part 73 :

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Y/N pov

Lately Lizzie has been kind of well, bitchy is the only way to put it. She has been on me about doing to gutters, saying they haven't been done in almost a year.

"Y/N, when are you going to clean the god damn gutter?" She asked me as she tilted her head as Alex and I were doing some more work on the Bel Air.

"I will do it soon mon coeur." I told her as she just laughed.

"Alex is going to come with me." Lizzie told the two of us sternly. "She is going to wash and her, Aiden and I are going to the arcade with mom."

"I'll do the gutters while you're out." I told her with a smile.

"Thank you." She said as Alex gave me a sad smile before following her mother's orders. I sighed as I put our tools away before going out to the shed to get the ladders and tools, also setting up the hose to clean them.

I heard the three of them leave before I started at the front. Leaving my phone in the kitchen on the counter. Once I moved onto the side of the house, that was when it went to shit.

"Now is the moment it chooses to rain." I muttered as tried to finish this last. Just as I reached over to scrape some moss from the gutter, the ladder slipped, along with myself. "Fuck." I groaned when I looked at my leg which was well, my knee was dislocated and hurt like a bitch along with my wrist. "Damn you Elizabeth." I groaned as I just lay there. I didn't even be assed moving and just lay there. I couldn't get to my phone which was inside and well, Lizzie was going to be gone for hours.

Lizzie's pov

I enjoyed watching Alex enjoy herself on the games at the arcade while Aiden was fascinated by the lights and the music. Once Alex had finished her last game, I looked at the time and noticed that it was near dinner time.

"Come on, we have to go and pick up dinner." I told Alex with a wide smile. My mom pushed Aiden while Alex held my hand as we walked straight to my car.

Once we got to the restaurant, mom and Alex went inside to order while I stayed with Aiden in the car. Of course the wait wasn't as long before they both got back inside the car.

"Did you order for your mama?" I asked Alex as I started the car.

"Of course." She beamed as I drove home, extra careful since it was raining. Hoping that Y/N would be showered by the time we got home.

"Mom, would you help Alex with plating it up while I look for my wife?" I asked her as she nodded. Taking Alex with her into the kitchen. Calling out her name when I entered our bedroom, not getting anything back as I checked the bathroom. I checked the garage and noticed that she wasn't here. I tried ringing her then having mom answer the phone.

"Where could she be?" She asked me as I decided to step out into the rain and look outside. Walking down the side of the house, I noticed the ladder on the ground and then Y/N's boot peaking out from under it.

"Y/N?" I called out as I gasped when I saw her.

"Lizzie. Hey." She answered me. She seemed kind of out of it. "It appears I am falling for you all over again."

"Are you ok?" I asked her, ignoring her little joke.

"I uh, my knee is dislocated and hurts like a bitch." She told me as she glared at her own leg. "Oh and I may have also broken my wrist."

"And you may have a concussion." I told her as I reached for my phone, calling 911.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" She questioned making me blush as I spoke on the phone.

"The ambulance will be here shortly." I told her before rushing inside to grab some things.

"Did you find her?" Mom asked me as I nodded.

"Would you mind staying here with the kids?" I asked her as she nodded with concern etched onto her face. "Y/N fell from the roof and well, her knee isn't facing the right way and she is delirious."

"I'll stay here baby, just keep me posted." I kissed her cheek before I went back outside to Y/N. Waiting for the ambulance. She groaned when they splinted her wrist and leg as they placed her on the gurney.

"Ughh." Y/N groaned as she clenched her eyes shut. "I don't want to go back there." She whimpered as I looked at her concerned.

"Y/N?" I called out as the paramedic checked her.

"I just want to go home. Please let me go home." She cried as she thrashed about.

"Does she have any mental illnesses?" The paramedic asked me.

"PTSD." I informed him. "She was a POW."

"She's most likely in a delirious state because of the head injury." He stated as he grabbed a syringe. "Do I have your permission to sedate her?" He asked me as I just nodded. I  just wanted Y/N to be ok. That's all I want. I watched with tears in my eyes as I watched her calm down as she became unconscious. "She is going to need a head CT as soon as we get there before we tend to her other injuries."

"Thank you." I whispered as I sat back, blaming myself for this. Hoping that she will be ok and her head injury isn't really something too serious.


Hey guys. Be careful when cleaning gutters. Happy reading :)

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