Part 37 : The Cast

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Lizzie pov

I was excited for the cast to meet the person who has my heart and means the world to me. I was getting ready in a black dress as MK and Alex were sat on my bed as Y/N was getting herself ready. When I walked back inside putting my earrings on, the both of them turned their heads to me. 

"You look beautiful mummy." Alex smiled which made me smile brighter.

"You look happy Liz." MK spoke softly as I took a deep breath. 

"I am happy. I have the most important people in my life here with me." I said softly as I beamed at her. Before she could answer me, someone knocked on the door. I opened it and let Y/N in who held some Roses in her hands. 

"These are for you." She whispered as MK and Alex watched our whole interaction.

"Is this what they used to be like before I was born?" Alex asked her Aunt.

"They were worse Alex." MK told her as they both watched Y/N and I. 

"Don't you two have a room to go to." I asked them both with a raised eyebrow. They both laughed as they left the room together.

"I think they are going to be hell together." Y/N smirked making me laugh. "You look beautiful." She said nervously. "I should have said that first but they made me nervous." She whispered making me laugh at her. She held her arm out for me to hold which I happily took and walked by her side to the awaiting car I had booked to take us to the restaurant. I could see that Y/N was nervous about this but I wanted to know what exactly was on her mind.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked her softly as I held her hand in mine.

"I am just really nervous. I am about to meet the people you have worked with for the past 4 months and probably again." She started as she played with the rings on my fingers as she thought of what else she needed to say. "And I look like this. A scarred shell of a woman." She said in disgust. I cupped her cheek in my hand and made her look at me. 

"You are the most beautifully perfect person I have ever met. Alex loves you so much and she doesn't care that you have these." I said as I softly ran my fingers over her four scars. "You are the strongest and bravest person I have ever known and I am lucky that you love me." I told her as I wiped a stray tear that fell from her eye. "Just remember that. You are perfect in your daughter's eyes and that's the only person that should matter." I told her as she nodded. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips shocking me which I immediately kissed back. 

"Thank you." She whispered as she pulled away from me with a smile. 

"You don't have to thank me." I told her honestly as she just smiled at me. She held my hand as we made our way past the paparazzi that were already there. I could feel Y/N tense up beside me at the amount of them that are here before we both made our way inside the restaurant and over to the table were Scarlett, RDJ, Evans, Cobie and Hemsworth were sat. "Hey guys." I greeted them as Y/N pulled out the seat beside Robert out before she sat beside me.

"We're just waiting on Renner and Ruffalo." RDJ said as he leaned over before introducing himself to Y/N. "You must be the famous Y/N. We have heard so much about you." He smiled at her softly as I could feel her ease slightly.

"Well tell us something about yourself Y/N?" Scarlett spoke as she eyed her suspiciously. 

"Well I am 23, almost 24 years old and I have known this one since I can remember." She said as she motioned towards me making me smile. 

"So what do you do for a living?" She asked her as everyone watched Scarlett and her 101 questions. 

"I'm currently in between jobs right now." She said as she hung her head.

"Come on Scar ease up on the poor girl." Cobie told her as Scar looked at her.

"I am trying to make sure that she isn't just using Lizzie." She told her as Y/N's head perked up in her direction.

"I would never use Lizzie. She is the best thing that has ever came into my life and she was the reason I fought to survive the last four years." She told Scar with a hard look.

"I am just trying to look out for her." She told her as Y/N just gave her a smile. 

"I understand that but she knows that I will never use her. She means everything to me." Y/N replied as she moved her gaze towards me with a smile.

"How did you get those scars on your face?" Evans asked her making me groan. I was hoping that no one would point that out.

"Well it was a gift from my job." She told him as he just nodded. "Well enough about me, tell me what it's like working with this one?" She asked them making me smile at how far she has come. Usually she would close in on herself but right now she is listening to everyone talk about the times we spend together on set. After I while Jeremy and Mark had arrived and we all ordered our food. They asked Y/N some embarrassing stories about me which she did not hesitate to tell them. 

"I'm just heading the toilet." I whispered to Y/N.

"Of course mon coeur." She smiled at me as I kissed her cheek and walked to the bathroom. 

"Is she the Y/N you told me about?" Scar asked me as I just nodded. 

"She wanted to surprise me with MK and Alex." I told her as I washed my hands. 

"I'm sorry if I made her uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention." She told me sadly which I just nodded.

"That's ok. It's just that this past five years nearly have been extremely hard on her. On both of us. It took her a while to come around to the idea of Alex but they are both inseparable." I told her with a smile. She gave me a soft hug before we both headed back over to join the others. Everyone really like Y/N and it was amazing because these guys are going to be in my life for a long time. As Y/N and I left the restaurant and got in the car I had ordered for us. 

"They are all amazing people." She smiled at me as I held her hand in mine. 

"They are." I told her. "Thank you for coming with me tonight. It means everything to me considering what you have been through."

"I will always be here for you Lizzie. I am not leaving again." She said as we pulled up outside the hotel. She walked me to my door and stood their like it was our first date.

"Do you want to come in for a drink?" I asked her as she just smiled and nodded. I stepped aside as she walked in and I went to pour us both some wine. I know that Y/N isn't a wine drinker but she would drink it none the less. 

"I have to tell you something." She told me as she set the glass down on the table. I watched her closely as she turned her whole body to face me. "I'm thinking of leaving the Marines." 


A late one today guys. My posts might be a bit slower right now because I'm having a hard time with me ADHD. I'm struggling to concentrate right now so I just need a recharge and I will hopefully be back to normal soon. Thank you all for being patient. I love you all :)

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