Part 75 : Ma Lune

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Lizzie's pov

It has been a couple of weeks since Y/N was released from the hospital. She has also been reduced to bed rest since she can't use crutches because of her wrist. Although Alex has been keeping her up to date with everything.

"What are you doing?" I asked her after the kids went to bed.

"Clive is ignoring me." She stated as I laughed at her.

"Maybe he is sick and tired of you constantly calling." I teased her as she sighed before placing the phone on the night stand.

"How are you and Ma Lune?" She asked as I sat beside her, her hand instantly going to my stomach.

"We are great." I beamed as I kissed her lips. Enjoying the simplicity of the moment with her. "I couldn't be happier than I am now." I cuddled into her side. "I have my love with me and we are building our family together. A dream I never knew I had."

"We certainly are living the dream." Y/N whispered as she kissed my head. "I do sometimes have struggles." I sat up instantly, giving her my full attention. "I promised I would talk to you when I have trouble with reality."

"You did." I confirmed as she took my hand in hers. Pressing a kiss to the back of the knuckles.

"I sometimes think that this life here, is a dream. A concoction of memories my mind has made up." She confided in me. "I am afraid most nights when I go to sleep, I am going to wake up back there. In that cell, strapped to that chair."

"I understand those fears baby, but I promise you." I took her hand and lay it flat against my chest. "This is reality. You, me and the kids. This is real. You survived those four years, you came out 1 million times stronger than before. Even though you were already pretty strong."

"I love you mon coeur." Y/N whispered as I beamed.

"I love you too grease monkey." I kissed her softly.

Y/N's pov

As the months went on and I was finally able to move around and wait on my heavily pregnant wife. Although she would cuss at me and moan. I would sometimes find myself hiding away from her, just to dodge her hormonal outbursts. Of course the kids found it funny. But now it is her last week of the pregnancy and I can't wait for it be over.

"The kids are with your parents." I told her softly as she huffed. "Now we just need this one to arrive." I cooed as I kissed her stomach. Looking up to catch her piercing gaze on me.

"You did this." She seethed. "Again."

"Technically we did this." I corrected her before catching the deathly stare in her eyes. "But that doesn't matter right now."

Luckily that saved my life before she soon beheaded me with her retractable claws.

As the day went on, I was cooking her favourite meal when I heard her yell out for me. I quickly turned off the stove before I ran to her.

"The baby's coming." She groaned as she held her stomach and back. I just ran for the bags, keys and phones. Helping her in the car before I locked up before getting in the drivers side. Driving straight to the hospital as I tried to reassure her.

After hours of labour and crushing my hand, our son was finally here. We decided to call him Daniel.

"Ma Lune." I whispered as Lizzie smiled up at me.

"My moon." She whispered as I nodded, kissing her softly before I lay him down in his cot before watching over Lizzie.

Alex's pov

As the months went by, I watched as Mom and Mama both healed in their own way. Mama has had a lot of mental troubles because of her past and I couldn't be prouder of her. After all, she is who I aspire to be. As much as I admire my Mom's strength with how she raised me and then she helped Mama as well as balancing a demanding career.

I watched as her stomach grew bigger. I was even happier to find out I was having a little brother. Although it was funny watching how Mama would hide away from Mom sometimes. Especially when she was on a craze.

Even when Daniel was born, my mom and mama were even happier. Aiden was walking and talking now too. But I am now 10 and it is still hard watching my mama with my brothers. Especially considering the time she was taken from me.

"Are you ok mon âme?" Mama sat beside me as I sat on the sofa. Watching the tv.

"I guess so." I shrugged as she gave me a knowing look.

"Talk to me." She pressed as I sighed, not really wanting to talk. "Come on." She patted my shoulder, beckoning me to follow her to the garage. "You can talk to me about anything. You do know that right?"

"I know." I sighed as she grabbed some gloves.

"You know, I installed this bag in here when I started to have nightmares again." She told me as she strapped the gloves to my hands.

"I thought they had gone for good?" I questioned as she sighed.

"That is the trouble with PTSD." She smiled at me before she punched the bag. "It never goes away. All it takes is something to trigger it. Just like your mom and her anxiety." She gestured for me to punch the bag. "Now talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind."

"I just. It's stupid." I sighed as she shook her head at me.

"Whatever you are feeling is never stupid." She told me.

"I just, I'm feeling jealous again." I punched the bag as I spoke. "Seeing you with Daniel and Aiden. Doing all of the things we never did together. It hurts sometimes."

"It hurts me too." She admitted as I paused my movements. I could see tears in her eyes as she smiled at me. "Everytime I see Aiden take a step. Every little coo sound that Daniel makes, it hurts because I wasn't here for your mom or you. It hurts because I made that decision of leaving. I could have went to college. Got a degree but I wanted to make my dad proud of me. I didn't care who would miss me at the time. Not until that." She took a deep breath before smiling. "I'm not putting this on you Alex. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there and I have no excuse for that." With that, she kissed the top of my head before she left me in the garage. It was then I noticed a new key chain on the key for the Bel Air. It was one of those novelty license plates with my name on it.


Here you go guys. A big time jump and Alex's pov. You will be getting more of that and their will be a few more time jumps until the book is over in the next few chapters.
Also guys, please go and check out spintheworlds Wanda fics out. They are fucking awesome if you haven't already seen them on tumblr. Please show them some love

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