Part 60: What If

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Y/N pov

"Family of Miss Olsen?"

"That's me." I stood up as soon as the doctor spoke.

"I'm sorry but she had suffered from an abrupt placenta eruption. It caused hemoraeging and we tried our best to save the baby but I'm afraid we failed. We also had to perform an emergency hystorectomy. I'm sorry." They said softly.

"Can I see her?" I asked them as they nodded. I followed them to her room. I saw Lizzie lay there sleeping. My heart was broke at the sight of her. She always wanted more kids. A big family and now she can't have that.

"Hey." She husked out as she woke up as I sat beside her.

"Hey." I smiled lighty at her.

"Is the baby ok?" She asked me as I couldn't help but let a tear slip. "Please don't say it."

"I'm so sorry mon coeur." I whispered as she shook her head no. "I'm so sorry." I said as she cried. I held her hand as tight as I could.

Even as the time went on after she found out about the hystorectomy. She became distant with me. She spent most of her spare time with Alex. Everytime I tried to hold her, she would move away. Everytime I would try to kiss her, she would dodge me.

"Hey mon coeur, Mama J is taking Alex for the night. Would you like to go to your favourite restaurant." I told her softly.

"Don't call me that." She snapped at me. "Don't call me mon coeur again. I hate you so fucking much."

"Lizzie." I tried to call her name.

"I hate you." She said as she hit my chest with every word she spoke. "I fucking hate you. You left me for four years when I was pregnant. And now your here and we lost them. We lost them and I can't have any more. This is all your fault."

She slapped me as she walked to our shared room. I watched as she started to pack my things. When she zipped up the bag, she took off the engagement ring and slammed it to my chest.

"I never want to see you again." She seethed as I just remained frozen as she walked passed me to the guest room. 

I jolted awake when Maria nudged me.

"Yes." I stood up fast. Stumbling slightly.

"Family of Miss Olsen?" They asked as I nodded.

"She's my fiance." I told them.

"There was a minor issue with the placenta." They started. I started to zone out remembering the nightmare until they had a brief smile on their face. "But both Mum and baby boy will be fine. She will have to come in for frequent check ups and tests. She will also need to be on strict bed rest."

"It's a boy?" I asked them.

"Through all of that, that was what you got." Maria mumbled.

"Did you not want to know?" They asked me as I shook my head with a smile.

"Can I see her?" I asked them as they nodded. They led me to her room. When I got there she was sleeping so I took a seat beside her and took her hand in mine. I could her the machines that were tracking both hers and the baby's heartbeats.

"I'm going to postpone all of her meetings and projects until after the baby is born." Maria said as I nodded.

"Thank you Maria." I told her softly as she squeezed my shoulder.

It was a couple of hours waiting until she woke. I called Jarnette and told her everything and she said she would have Alex with her until Lizzie is settled in.

"Hey." I whispered when she opened her eyes.

"Is the baby ok?" She asked me tiredly.

"He's ok mon coeur." I told her as I stroked her head. "You're both ok."

"He? It's a boy." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

"It's a boy." I nodded as I kissed her head.

"It's a boy." She repeated as she cried.

"When we get out of here, you are on strict house arrest." I told her she chuckled.

"Oh. You're not joking." She said as she noticed my serious expression.

"I'm not joking." I told her. "You are on house arrest and relaxing until this lil guy is here."

"Yes sir." She teased me making me chuckle.

"You are unbelievable." I told her as she smiled at me. I had a good look at her while she lay there. Smiling softly at me. "You scared me." I whispered shakily as she reached out for me.

"It's ok baby. I'm here." She spoke tenderly.

"I was so scared." I told her. "I havent been that scared since I was a prisoner. Thinking that I was never going to see you again." I couldn't hold back my tears. "I can't lose you mon coeur. It would kill me of anything ever happened to you."

"I am not going anywhere Y/N. Its you and me always." She said as she cupped my cheek.

"You and me always." I repeated as I held her wrist.

"Please kiss me." She whispered as I just smiled. I stood up and leaned down and pressed my lips to hers softly.

"I love you so fucking much." I whispered as she smiled at me.

"I love you more." She spoke softly.

"Not possible." I told her as she kissed me gently again.


I couldn't leave you guys on that cliff hanger. Please let me know what you think.

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