Chapter 5

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"Hi, Mrs. Silvers, I'm Dr. Jackson." My therapist said, shaking my hand, "Have a seat."

I did as he said and sat on the leather couch across from him, a coffee table between us.

"So, why don't you give me a brief description of yourself." He asked.

"My name is Veronica Silvers, I'm thirty two and own a cafe downtown, my husband is a data analyst, I have a son and daughter, and my dad died in a mass shooting about two months ago."

"And how are you dealing with the death of your father?"

I internally rolled my eyes, "Pretty well."

"We don't have to talk about him if you're not read-"

"I'm going to stab your fucking eyes out."

He laughed, "I guess you have a sense of humor."

"Guess so."

He put his notebook down on the coffee table and leaned back against the couch, "What would you like to talk about?"

I was a bit shocked at his sudden change of attitude, "Uh, I don't know."

"Alright, how about I ask you a few simple questions so I can get to know you."

"Okay." I already knew how dumb these "simple questions" were going to be.

"What makes you happy?"

I almost erupted in laughter, this was starting to feel like third grade, "Wine, my kids, Ashley-"

"Who's Ashley?"

"My friend."

He leaned forward a bit, showing interest, "Tell me about her."

I didn't really see the point of this, but proceeded, "I met her last week at the cemetery and we've been hanging out ever since."

"Now I'm curious, why did you say Ashley but not your husband?"

This guy must have really thought he was hot shit, "Because my husband annoys the fuck out of me half the time and Ashley doesn't."

He nodded, "How's your marriage with your husband?"


"Just good?"

I rolled my eyes and resorted to sarcasm, "It's fantastic!"

He laughed softly then spoke, "Have you ever considered divorce?"

Divorce? "And why would I need to do that if my marriage is fine?"

He paused for a while, as if finding the right words to say, "Why don't we move on for now?"

I rolled my eyes. This guy was going to drive me to suicide.


"Hey, Veronica."

I looked up to see Ashley walking in through the cafe's front door. I told her to meet me at five o'clock since I needed to teach her how to work the espresso machine and use the cash register.

"How was therapy?" She asked, taking a seat beside me.

"Fucking horrible, I couldn't stand the therapist. He kept asking me the stupidest questions."

She laughed, "What did he ask?"

"'What makes you happy?' and 'Have you ever considered divorce?'"


"Yeah, he thinks I'm having marital issues or something."

She turned to face me with a more serious expressions, "Is everything alright with Nick?"

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