Chapter 32

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The rest of the time spent with my mom was nice. We hung out just the two of us, and caught up with each other a bit. I showed her my cafe, to which she cried her eyes out in happiness, took her around the city, and had lunch at my favorite restaurant.

I was starting to understand my mother, how she had an addiction, something that she didn't really have control over. I had the right to be mad, but was also starting to let go of all of that built up frustration. I had to be thankful she was here now. As the saying goes: better late than never.

She would be leaving early tomorrow, which gave us one night left until god knows how long.

I invited Ashley to join us for dinner at a sushi place. We had ordered a large amount of rolls and soups, when my mother decided to end the small talk.

"Tell me about the two of you."

I sat close to Ashley, her arm around me; it almost looked like we were a married couple.

She smiled, "Well, we met at the cemetery in August. Veronica was visiting her dad and I was visiting my ex-girlfriend."

"Wait," My mom interrupted, "what happened?"

Ashley's demeanor changed just the slightest. She looked uneasy. I placed my hand on her thigh and squeezed it lightly, showing my support. She gave me a weak smile and continued, "She killed herself last summer."

My mom's eyes widened, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." She waved her off, "Anyway, we met when Veronica was still married and I was still seventeen."

"Seventeen? I knew you were young, but I didn't know you were in high school." My mom said, then looked at me, "Pedophile."

I rolled my eyes, "Age doesn't matter."

"That's what all the sex offenders say."

I turned to Ashley, "You love me and consent to all of our sexual intercourse, right babe?" She nodded and I faced my mom again, "See?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She nodded to Ashley, "Continue."

"We started hanging out almost everyday as friends. Then I started working for her and we saw each other even more frequently. I think it was around my birthday when we realized our feelings toward each other.

"Anyway, then stuff happened with Nick, and Veronica filed for divorce. We admitted our feelings, and kind of got together, then we broke up. It was over stupid stuff, but it lasted a few months.

"Then, finally, two days before Christmas, we got back together, started dating a few weeks later, and now we're just happy with where we're at."

My mom had a huge grin on her face, "Oh I'm so glad! You two are just perfect for each other. I can't wait for the wedding!"

"Me too." I muttered under my breath. And of course, being the most unlucky person on this planet, —not including hobos, drug addicts, and dead people—Ashley somehow managed to hear me.

She smirked, "What was that?"

I pushed her lightly, "You're such a conceited bitch. I'd rather choke on sushi and die than marry you."

"That's not what you said last night when I was fuck-"

"Okay." I snapped, "Keep it PG in front of my mom, please."

My mother burst into laughter, "You two are hilarious, should have your own reality show."

"It would turn into a lesbian porn marathon."

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